
Try this:

Ummm, hello?

“Limp mode” is one of the reasons people shell out for this kind of car in the first place...

That seals it for me! Gonna keep my ‘01 Focus running until it either self-destructs or I die, as anything I have to fix on it is WAY cheaper than a faulty airbag in a new car going off.

Interesting tidbit: Belinda Carlisle was briefly a member of the Germs as a drummer going by Dottie Danger.

I am just in shock that Architectural Digest had an "Entertainment Editor". Talk about a do nothing & get paid job.... Where can I apply for that?

Good thing I didn’t win MegaMillions last night as I would blow a decent bit of it on some of those cars.

“Being the Elite” is usually funny but once in a while they surprise us with something like this. Also Kenny & Xavier Woods picked their 10 ten games of 2018.

Don’t give up on the GPU. A lot of “old” mining cards are for sale now and they will work fine and they are cheap! Only thing is you might have to reload the original BIOS on them, but otherwise they are a solid buy. Using a RX 580 8GB (Sapphire) right now & it is a solid 1080p gaming card (even while powering two

So, I guess all these posts are part of a WWE promotion by the B-Team?

Now playing

Well, at least he could reach it. Misha Collins could too but not Bradley Cooper:

“Reignited and put out after a few hours? That’s not much of a proper lithium battery fire, is it?”
- Rimac test driver & spokesman Richard Hammond

Honestly, I expected the first response to be “I am Root!”

How about making it so drugs we need we can actually get! I have back issues that can’t be fixed by surgery and only will get worse. The medication I took for years to manage the pain worked great: took the pain to a tolerable level, didn’t affect my ability to work or do other things and I didn’t get hooked on them.

How did NEC get dragged into this? Are they coming out with a classic PC-Engine/TurboGrafx? If so, gimme the pre-order link as I couldn’t give money fast enough for one of those (esp if they include some of their CD games...esp Rondo of Blood).

Seeing the #43 together with Pennzoil just seems wrong to me still...

You’re in California, at least have a damn avocado.

Now we know the Top Gear audience member’s handle on here who corrected Clarkson about the bird poop Mitsubishi.

Maybe Formula E just hasn’t found a circuit that works for you.