Fuck that ref! I coach roller derby and if a player in a game hit like that (even with a helmet) and had the same reaction, the game would have been stopped and they would be checked before being allowed to continue. Everyone should be glad it wasn’t a whole lot worse for that skater.
Hey, another thing Unreal Tournament used to let you do. Now if only they would actually just finish the new UT already (or just turn it over to the fans and let them build it out).
All good reasons the Jags won but I think you left out the biggest one: Cody & Brandi Rhodes were in the Jags owner’s box and was we all know these days, where Cody goes money & winning follow.
Nice that you mentioned Devil Dice, which was one of the few games released commercially that was made with the Net Yaroze version of the PS1.
If that agent thought that was bad, then it was a good thing her twin brother Vwxyz wasn’t on that trip too.
He’s really setting the bar high picking Reagan there......
Finally, someone who knows the proper use of BPM.
At one time I had cats that liked cables. Then one night they woke me out of my sleep fighting, I kicked at the end of the bed, heard a “thunk”and went back to sleep. The next day one of them was walking a little funny and I thought maybe I had accidently kicked it into something in the middle of breaking them up. It…
I am pretty jaded about injuries having had a few & seen way more than my fair share of people’s leg & such end up in ways they were not designed to. However, Milton’s doesn’t look good at all. Even the USF players were going “Oh shit...IsawitIsawitIsawit.” I have seen a few “that looked way worse than it was”…
I say the owner is too busy at the moment with his next project to care, as owning a football team is basically parking investment money for a later cashout.
Soooooo, opinion on this bit of news:
Yep. It has a different feel than the original and I like it.
Wow! Adding that to the phone’s playlist ASAP.
“Especially popular in Florida bars, dwarf-tossing is the strange spectacle in which competitors throw Velcro-clad little people at a wall or mattress like a shotput. The longest toss wins.”