
>Looks at header photo<
Nope, still has a design I wouldn’t want to be caught dead owning.

Why focus on the negative, everyone? We have a lot going good here sportwise in Jax. Our WFTDA derby team in going to Champs in NOLA in a few weeks, our MRDA derby team just finished 8th at their champs & our junior derby teams in the area are kicking butt. Then there is the Icemen, who seem to be on track for a

I discovered that later in the day after I posted it. I think I might get it but also kinda tempted by getting one of the $65 packs that come with a ship just to play around in the universe (but not buy more than that).

Sooooooo, is that $9.95 a month now going to RoH or NJPW? I would go with the later as longer shows, better matches and they have Kenny Omega.

Reminds me of a cartoon from The Advocate about 25+ years ago. It was a good cartoon & that is an amazing look on Cara. Now just to wait for the British tabloids to lose their shit over it.

EDIT - Seems I was wrong as they (Brit press) are all about it. Plus, this pic is the icing on the cake:

I am just waiting for him to complain that we shouldn’t help Mexico Beach with hurricane relief as the Mexicans should take care of it themselves.

Then someone leans in and goes “Sir, that Mexico Beach, in part of the State of the U.S.”

So when do they work a “One night in Stamford” video into the current storylines?

If only they would give this to us for a single price (say $40-$50), no microtransactions and a real story mode (at least 30 hours), I would be a happy camper.

 (Still remember beating WC4 the first time I played it in one session. One very long 24 hour+ session. Think that was the best I ever played a game in one

Cody Rhodes might know wrestling but don’t let him handle your football picks:

Due to Twitter being a stuttering pain in the ass, I didn’t see the hip thrust but I took the throat slash like the Undertaker does when he beats someone: nothing really behind it other than I just beat another opponent.

I wonder how long before Vince & Co. are on the phone to Conor. They took an exposed fighter like Ronda and made her one of the biggest draws in the company. I mean Conor has been cutting WWE-style promos for years, so I don’t think it would take too much to get him ready to main event Wrestlemania (just $$$$ and a

I was trying to be polite and give a decent reply but fine. I was wrong, you’re right. You know everything. The end.

I didn’t say it couldn’t work, just from the people I personally have known it didn’t, minus the one case I mentioned. Plus, in VbN’s letter, he stayed they had only been dating a few months, decided a month ago to be “monogamous” except she still wants her side action too. “It’s just sex. It doesn’t mean anything.”

First letter: No...seriously NO!!!! It’s way too soon and honestly, I have seen some couples try the “open/poly” thing. For a few it was a quick thing that they decided wasn’t for them, others led to one partner or the other breaking up with them and I know exactly one couple that have been able to make it work. ONE.

Now playing

I am all for finding a new alternative to LI batteries, as long as the answer doesn’t come from Dimension W.
(There is a car chase scene....)

I had to watch it a few times as I thought it was Chris Kattan doing his Mango impression (or one of Mango’s relatives).

Also any chance of not using Spotify clips? There is no volume control on them like YouTube ones, so every time I click one, I blast my neighbor with whatever it is. 

More to the point: was the 914 really a Porsche to begin with?

At least Elias was smart enough to run with it.

You might need to go Lick the Tins over that opinion.....

This is why you don’t drink & drive down the field.