
I was just waiting for W.U. to go:
“Welcome to Weekend Update. I’m Michael Che.
“I’m Colin Jost & what the fuck was that?”

 Seriously, Kanye needs help or just not to be allowed on TV for a while unless his meds have kicked in. (Probably both to be honest)

I saw it and agree with the final lines of another review of the film: “Nic Cage doesn’t need cocaine. Cocaine needs to try Nic Cage."

Now playing

For a minute, I thought it was painted by these fine folks (seriously, this is an insane level of detail):

I think a Lancia Beta can go faster than that and sheds on it’s own.

19 hours? Either give me some sedatives and water or forget it. I barely made it from Boston to Dublin and thank goodness we had to go outside to board the connecting flight so I could have a super quick smoke (so did 1/3rd of the other passengers too). 

I hadn’t really listen to Pete aside from his SNL work, but after hearing a few of his interviews lately, I think he could get some decent voice over work in games/movies or shows. Aside from big budget movies, you usually have the same 15 people or so doing all the voices, so someone new to the mix would be

I could see this being a funky piece of wall art for some rich person (of just a die hard Ferrari fanatic).

Trump will continue to deny Puerto Rico statehood.

Hot take: Seven Nation Army is one of the most over-hyped song ever and if it was never played anywhere again, no one would be worse off.

Sooooo, basically he’s a fucking hobbit on his way to Mt. Doom?

At this point I want to see Clay somehow master hitting into the QB so hard the QB falls over on their own & Clay just standing there like “Try flagging me for that!”

Now playing

I post a link to it every once in a while, but look up the movie “Sellebrity” and give it a watch. It’s a bit old now but still insightful as to how the whole paparazzi business works.

Not wrong. When she says that, it’s 110 kph not 110 mph showing. 

Being John Cena’s car it should be in really good shape. Take the transmission, it may be a seven speed box, but John only been known to use five of them during a drive.

But will it go 110?

Lily Allen claims that a famous soccer player and friend of her father had sex with her at age 14 and he was 19, which her father trivialized as a running joke.

I have gotten back into watching over the past couple of years after a long time away from it. I blame and its wrestling threads. They are fun to comment in, more controlled than Reddit and have a built in contest for certain posts. It’s silly but somehow it drew me into watch far more wrestling than I ever

I hate to ask to obvious but have you looked into just going to an imaging center and paying for the scan yourself? There is a place near me that normally does things on doctor’s orders I have been to a few time & the last time I joked that I should have waited a week as my right shoulder was killing me. The person at

I was thinking more along the lines of snacks & treats. 

And I thought the “aliens” guy on the History Channel could come up with some theories.....Seriously, WTF? How long had he been working on that before he posted it?