
Tyrod just doesn’t want the blame this time when the wheels come off the Browns season like they do every year.

Just waiting for someone on eBay to offer a font correct “U” to fit between the T & R as that would perfectly explain this truck’s looks.

Unless you are overclocking to near the bleeding edge AND live in a place that gets over 90+ F (32+ C) AND have no air conditioning, you do NOT need to liquid cool! One or two good front fans, a good back fan and usually the stock cooler for your CPU is enough. Even with middling air flow you 99.999% will be OK. At


I am close to the “magic” age for guys in the article and on both Tinder and Bumble. In the few years i have been on there, I have never gotten one genuine response thru them, just a couple of spambots that try to get you to a camsite or “age verification” page. If I somehow match with someone, I leave it up to them

I like the self-serve kiosks at the post office. Yeah, you have to tap a bunch of shit about the package: type, size, etc. When it comes to the address though, you just put in the zip, the street number (as in 12, 2567, whatever) and the first letter/number of the street and that is it. If two places in the same city

Now playing

I feel sorry for the guy, but this lady in the second part of the final round of Family Feud has him beat by a mile.

Maybe Fan next movie should be an updated version of “Journey to the West”, as in get the hell out of China, seek asylum/residence in another country and never go back.

Must be a big Suicide Squad fan.

I am just waiting for the inevitable “dark parody” of Magic Mirror School Bus x Who in the world is in Carmen Sandiego.

Now, that just looks like it was taken from the Kloran, which I thought was the sale guide for Clorox until read the linked article.

Well, she wanted to ride up front “like a big kid”. Maybe next time she’ll listen and sit in her car seat in the back.

Apparently, the force was strong with him. (Force to poop that is...)

It probably means they will take out all the toilets and everyone has to sleep on twin beds.

Talked to the owners and checked it out. Super cute & in great shape. Best part? Including shipping, only $9,000. If it wasn’t for my Focus, I would seriously consider getting one. I actually have a pic with the Focus looking jealous in the background giving me the “Ohhh, you just wait for my next breakdown” look.

Saw this adorable and not ridiculous waste of money at WalMart yesterday:

So it’s the “Eternal Inception of Wes Anderson’s Mind” or what?

I had a job delivering pizza for a while and one of the places we went to a lot was a really ritzy private school down the street. We alway would meet everyone that ordered “at the flagpole” as it was by the parking lot in front and easy to park by. So one day the Vice Principal ordered a dozen pizzas and I offered to

This is kinda long but it’s got a point (maybe?). My parents are getting older and in bad health. I was talking with a friend about it and her dad is getting in the same shape. I mentioned they had enough stuff to have a garage sale for a month, when she commented she didn’t know what to do with her dad’s stuff. I