
Glad you’re back. Although, no more Snacktaku unless it’s things like “Healthy food that doesn’t suck!” or “I tired (insert good for you item) and it was good.” We would like you to be here for a long time...or until GMG gets sold to Verizon or something.

I get the feeling this will be like a Hugh Hefner situation (I am just talking about magazine publishing...). Anna will be the “EiC” but at some point someone else will take over the day-to-day running of Vogue and she will just have a ceremonial position & office to hang out in. Plus, can you imagine what would

The part the cut from the interview is she also thought her dad was Prince.

Not all Mustangs crash coming out of turns leaving a parking lot, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t stick in people’s minds that Mustangs are tail happen wreck machines.

Believe it or not, there is a market for these kind of things. When I used to run a normal indy store in the days before places like Barnes & Noble (or online shopping), we had a customer who came in and would regularly order $200-$500 coffee table books monthly (and I mean like 7-10 per month) and occasionally would

Just had a friend pick up a CPO car two weeks ago due to a lightning strike on her & her hubby’s car (his was able to be fixed). They had to travel 4 hours to pick it up as no one had one locally that matched what she wanted in it. She was so happy. Posted pics on Facebook and everything. Then just over a week later

About 30-40', assuming it’s still in the car, then I would either need a break or some help. Out of it...maybe a foot..on a good day..after working out for a few weeks first.

I get the feeling mom worked at a place with a lot of brass at some point in her past.

Items #1,4,5,7 & 9 actually aren’t wrong. Plus, honestly it is due for a prices drop. By Black friday it will be over 18 months old, so a drop of $50 or even $100 might be in order. At that price anyone who might be going “I am not paying $299 just for a portable game system.” would be more inclined to pick one up.

The Courtney Crumrin series is great for kids who might not read comics but other things like YA books. Heck, even if they don’t read anything else, it’s still a good series to use to try to get them into comics. Best for ages 11 and up.

Well, at least they got on the “Deuce”. I mean imagine what it would feel like to be told this year your finals be on ESPN2, we swear they are going to be on ESPN2 & then right beforehand get “Yeah, about that....we’re just gonna run a 60 minute sports round table instead, but hey, we are still gonna stream you on the

I hear one of his previous jobs was at a big box electronics store with a 40 year old virgin.

Yeah, she is one of those people you go “I am supposed to know that name....because?”, do a Google search, hit Wiki page, maybe go Who’s Dated Who and go “OH, that’s why.”

I have been on flights where seating assignments have been messed up & the airlines have bribed passengers to get someone on a flight (a friend of mine got $700, $100 meal voucher for the airport & a free round-trip couch ticket anywhere in the U.S. for giving up her seat & taking a later flight once), but not doing a

OK, I just gotta ask: do you mean a) you hardly know the guy OR b) you just know the guy naked as a) be careful or b) WooHoo! Have fun but be careful & use protection.

3:45 - “Hey, I didn’t know there was a drive in garage here.”
“It just opened but they have had a tough start to things.”

The London Spitfires look more like the London KAI T-50s to me....

Worse, I remember when Magic first hit and myself and my friends were just casual players. We looked at these and Moxes like “WTF? Where’s a land card when I need it?” So we just traded them away for a few cards we wanted instead of realizing what they really good do. But they time we did, they were already over $100

That Charli XCX song gives me a Katy Perry “California Girls” vibe from it, just not as good.