
Wonder if Zotac was the company that returned 300,000 GPUs back to Nvidia. Either way, I see a lot of Gold Box & Shell Shocker sales on GTX cards coming in the very near future.

Wonder if Zotac was the company that returned 300,000 GPUs back to Nvidia. Either way, I see a lot of Gold Box &

I think that is a little harsh. The article does talk about giving them lessons in social skills, so I would imagine part of that would involve how to interact with the opposite sex.

So these players are basically kids, have a highly regimented day, someone who cooks for them, a team doctor and a “squad leader” to make sure they don’t screw up? That doesn’t sound militaristic at all...

To be fair, I see Jared as the salad muncher in that relationship.

Came for “Shake It”, leaving happy.

The fact someone named “Will Control” was trying to run a sex cult (and an underage one at that) isn’t the universe telling people something one bit.

Rapper “Unmarked Van” shocked someone would do such a thing.

Anyone else think this could be a ploy to sell less revealing costume DLC right after the game comes out?

Countdown to young guys using this as an excuse to not wearing one during sex in 3..2...awe hell, I am sure it already started.

You really threaded the needle with that comment, eh?

Guess I better start stockpiling Gen 1 Focuses then....

He sold Nerdist to Legendary years ago and was in charge of their digital businesses (including the Nerdist podcast). Then his employment contract ended and he started the new podcast (which he owns outright) and Legendary kept the old stuff.

Basically, Legendary wanted into on digital revolution, bought in, didn’t

Guess Emily Blunt was doing it wrong...

Annnnnnd we’re done here.

*thinks of posting old Rock Hudson joke but doesn’t.

To be fair, the ground just laid there looking for a penalty on him even after play resumed.

This was a filler episode since no one got voted off. Karemon probably won’t win & I just can’t like Aquaira, so it’s either Asia or Eureka for me. Just hoping the reunion is amazing & the finale has some gag worthy moments. Now back to looking at my friend’s pics who was at the finale taping & wishing I could have

All I can think of with that handshake/salute picture is this:
Lethal Weapon 5: The jokes on everyone!

I could care less about Colin Farrell, but Disney definitely did some CGI work on Dumbo’s eyes to make him seem more human & relatable. In fact, I wouldn’t doubt very little of Dumbo features a real elephant and it’s all mo-cap & CGI work.

(Yes, I know they did the ears, obviously.)

Why are people having trouble getting my comment was a Lebowski joke? Jeff Bridges...The Dude...title of article...damn y’all!

So, I forgot McLaren put the engine in back. It wasn’t like the pic or article exactly pointed that out. I only had two hours sleep...geez.