
Now I know what Llanowar Elves drive on their day off.

I see this pic and all that comes to mind is “Isn’t this like farting from your face?”

I just made that joke on FB off the BBC article on this.

(Plus, how half the players won’t get into the U.S. for “reasons” and a free gun with every 4-pak of tickets to the games.)

Did not end how I expected it to. Thought there would be a “Made you watch, didn’t we” card.

Just my personal tastes, but I would pay 10 times more to see Jeff Bridges on stage than them.

Well, thank goodness you don’t have a chain link fence & used solo cups to do it in.

(This post sponsored by Disney. Please, please go see the’s good, we promise!)

She used chalk? OMG! Think of the effort those poor people will have to go thru to get that off.

“OK Bob, turn the water on.”
(five seconds later)
‘OK, turn it off.”

I see someone was cruising WWTDD for Bella Thorne jokes.


Great stunt, but would you really vote for someone who isn’t smart enough to know water isn’t the way to get rid of pepper spray from your skin?

Guess his dad had a hard on for everything.

Well, the truth was he couldn’t bend forward far enough in time, so that’s how it ended up on his face.

I thought Dirk Diggler learned his lesson with the ‘vette. Guess not.

Glad they made it out safely from that horror. A very elderly man I know, who does happen to be Jewish, used to tell me stories about a New York priest that had a radio show before the war where he constantly railed against the Jewish people & esp the population in NYC. I knew the U.S. wasn’t the best place in the

I was hesitant to post this but...well, sometimes I don’t listen to the good angel on my shoulder. Since Donnie Boy likes to talk about how great the U.S. military is & how much he hates MS-13, why not send the SEALS, Rangers, etc to do a few missions down there* as an example to them? You act like thugs & murder

Sliding into the future from Jennifer Government in 3...2...1..

Now playing

Obviously, you don’t watch Being the Elite on YouTube.

Joey Ryan would have been perfect for this. Too bad he’s dead....

But Saitama could use his Serious Serious Punch and have the other character laugh about how he is still holding back. Plus, someone has to fall for Naruto’s “Sexy Jutsu” in this game.

Saitama has ho long range attacks, which is a disadvantage in a fighting game. Genos on the other hand...

I wouldn’t put those divorce rumors to rest just yet. Looked like the UK Vogue editor was playing the buffer between them in the seating. They are about that age and length of marriage where one or the other starts looking around to see if it’s time to move on....IJS.