That’s an...hang on....(goes to YouTube to watch trailer)...OK, that’s an award-baiting trailer.
That’s an...hang on....(goes to YouTube to watch trailer)...OK, that’s an award-baiting trailer.
That I highly doubt. I think it might be a case of something on it, not in it.
Now that’s a bald lie!
Pruitt instructed an aide to procure a used mattress from the Trump International Hotel.
None taken. But if they can cover something like curling for example, then I don’t think it is too much to ask for maybe one or two decent articles maybe around time of a big tournament and then WFTDA Playoffs and Champs weekend. Just today, London, which was the first non-North American team to crack getting into…
Too bad you didn’t use a Panamera for that image as it’s a real pig.
After 11 seasons in the sport, I learned pretty quick it wasn’t all cuddles and rainbows. But the bad things are far outnumbered by all the good things. I hope you find some of them. Personally, all the junior bouts at BoTB (streaming on YouTube right now although the video is wonky atm) are a good palate cleanser.
Sorry if that came off as repetitive. While this article is important, I wish there was something about all the great events happening this weekend: FINvatitional 2018, Battle on the Bank, BrewHaha & Besterns (not to mention all the regular games scheduled). Be nice to see something positive to offset the negative a…
Just because a league might be “all female” doesn’t exclude it from sexual assault happening in it. Having guys involved may increase the odds (I know as a guy I am very careful about my interactions with others), but an absence of males does not mean it can’t (and doesn’t) happen.
A lot of guys have amazing skill on the track and can do some jaw dropping things. Others are just bodies that move fast and hit things (skill not so much). I think of WFTDA vs MRDA like this: they have the same rules and goal but how they accomplish it can be totally different as WFTDA is more team-based and MRDA is…
This needs more stars.
I don’t disagree with anything the article said (I didn’t fact check it line-for-line), although I do know that some of the people involved in the “23" incident are taking steps beyond just an apology but also meeting with and volunteering with groups to help sexual assault victims.
But I love that modern roller…
He just happened to be the biggest name in the sport that it has happened to. There have been other accusations and call outs, just no one who had the visibility Quadzilla did is all.
Currently, there is one accusation of non-male on non-male assault (not sure how the people involved identify except they are not cis male or identifying as male), two more of bullying and the usual outrage over someone making posts or comments on social media.
I just hope the new AC isn’t dependant on having to have a VR headset. I mean that is a cool bonus if you want to use it, but I just want to have my controller, a stupid amount of ammo and ability to soak up damage and just blast the crap out of the enemy planes like always (AC:AH doesn’t exist to me).
And that is why I didn’t post an image of it. I figured the comment I left was enough and leave to any one who wanted to know more to look it up. For once I didn’t disagree with Kim for this cause. Just not sure being a prop for a photo op was worth it (although if he does pardon the lady I would guess it was).
Damn, I was hoping for at least a comment on the NY Post cover with Trump & Kim on it. I’ll let you look it up for yourselves.
I heard there was a scheduling conflict with his new job as the spokesperson for “Mr. Clean”.
They would have to come up with an entirely new premise for any show that has the rest of the cast except for Roseanne because she has a financial interest in the show as one of the creators. Otherwise, if they just killed her off or something, she would still collect money from it despite not being there. Better no…
Kind of reminds me of someone that was on a new aggregator site once and for 24 hours posted a comment on every post that went up. The poster got banned after that but for years was a continual meme on it.