Oh shit, that is her. I honestly thought it was Alanis Morrisette (I mean it does look like her). But no, I wouldn’t just because I don’t like the idea of punching a woman, esp for my own amusement. Throw her under a jail and lose the key though.....
First thing I thought of when I was the article.
I was thinking she could hand them over (which hopefully would fulfill her contract) and then almost immediately sign to a new label and release a “real” album to cover the situation you described. I am pretty sure everyone would realize the ones she turned in were just to get out of her contract and the new one was…
Honest question on this as I have forgotten because this has dragged on so long: is her contract a time specific one (from X date to Y date) or an output specific one (like she owes X number of records in it)? Because if it was the latter, can’t she just record that amount, make sure they are pretty much crap and be…
I hate him because he can’t even get an Instagram quiz right. The obvious picks are E & A, in that order.
In roller derby that would have been a completely legal hit, provided it was in the engagement zone or if it was jammer on jammer no matter where it was on the track.
Take a star for casting Negasonic as a CW executive.
This has absolutely nothing to do with the article except every time I see Charli XCX mentioned I keep hoping it’s saying she finally is releasing that Deee-Lite cover she did with Questlove for Target as a single (or even a “B” side).
I had this exact argument one night outside our hotel in Manchester in February. 10 minutes in the freezing cold going back & forth over if a shooting brake was a station wagon too. Didn’t help that Wikipedia says it is a station wagon. Also didn’t help we were high at the time either....
I think I have watch too much Drag Race as I was waiting for that Hermione raver to do a death drop.
Maybe Stephanie’s boss was too busy to keep an eye on what she was tweeting...
Came to post this. Glad I wasn’t the only one that thought of the Stinger.
Since neither linked video shows what happened, here is a link to one that does:
That Sakura clip reminded me so much of when I used to try and beat the late gf at games of that era. She would just juggle & corner me. Too bad there wasn’t a pro circuit back then for her to play on like there is today.
From articles I read, people who knew him (on both sides) said he wasn’t a bad guy even if they didn’t agree with him. So I can see where he gets the job thinking “OK, all that was just for the election but now it will just be a White House administration like any other.’ Then he actually has to do the job and is like…
Anyone check on that lady in the 2nd row of the header image. Her face gets any redder and her head might pop off.
(Seriously, kinda worried about her)
I thought that but the silver emblem by the right tail light threw me as I can’t find a picture of a California that has that same badging. Probably just overthinking things.