So Pete Davidson likes dressing like Madonna from her first album. I bet Ariana thinks it’s cute.
So Pete Davidson likes dressing like Madonna from her first album. I bet Ariana thinks it’s cute.
I wasn’t too mad about the 458 (488 maybe) as I was them “destroying” the classic show’s 308. Having him drive that now would have made chaes more interesting as a LOT of car’s could dust it, so Magnum would have to be a little sneakier & do a bit more detecting to get the drop on some folks. But what was the black…
Yea, Cracker won a challenge...finally! But Cracker & Cookie stole the night. Cookie was hamming it up and sold it. And when she started singing “Happy Birthday” in a kinda bad imitation of Marilyn Monroe sealed the deal. I thought Eureka & Eufleeka were a close second as they looked great, were wonderful on the…
They are also involved in making anime.....really really shitty anime.
The only thing I am going to correct in your post is the article says they were going “up to 60 mph”. I am sure once they go thru data on the cars or cell phone GPS info this may change.
I dunno. I laughed at that but the dick sucking line had me in tears.
I am sure the Rock had all this worked out beforehand as he loves equations. After all, his favorite math symbol is Pi.
I wasn’t arguing about her rights or that the drivers were in the wrong and deserve as severe a punishment as the law allows. But if you can’t walk 8' feet without a car hitting you, perhaps it would have been best to wait until they passed. Legally, she was in the right. In practicality though, not so much.
(Said by…
What kind of massage therapy requires giving a pill, getting naked, then getting into a tub with your client to continue the massage? In fact, who gives a professional massage to someone in the tub in the first place? This just screams “Wrong, wrong wrong!!!”
I am not saying the victims didn’t have a legal right to cross the road, but looking at the Google street view (pic below) of where it happened, I don’t know if the drivers had not been racing and doing the speed limit if they could have stopped in time. IF the Mustang wasn’t moved, the damage to it makes it look like…
This! Seriously, how the fuck do you get a monthly $600+ dollar phone bill short of being an idiot who goes overseas, doesn’t get a local prepaid SIM card & uses your phone like you normally would.
Don’t forget current gen Corvette & Mustang drivers in that.
OK, that wasn’t how comics of the early 90's told me Lady Death looked.
Not in the ones I played (Quake & UT) as they both had weapons that could do AoE damage or be fired blindly down a hall & if they hit something, then great job....otherwise you just wasted ammo (or a super weapon).
I am not sure if the VP understands that tweeting a picture of the Miami Dolphins is not a great example of #winning.
Up front, I don’t play & have never played OW. But how is this any different from any other FFA DM game? You can be fighting someone, get them close to death and then someone comes by, fires one shot & gets the kill. Frustrating? Yep! Old as the hills? Yep again! All I can say is maybe they change it to a system based…
That was a very long but also very thoughtful response. I’ll try to keep this a bit shorter but I don’t make sure “they are cool with it” when I have relations with someone, I make sure I get a positive “Yes, I want this” (although the wording might be slightly different and occasionally more adult depending on the…
If anyone tried to take advantage or pressure one of my friends in Sweden, they would find themselves on the wrong end of an ass beating. However, it’s nice to see them update the law to close this loophole in the law (pretty big one at that). Now if the rest of the world would catch up to it too. Silence do not equal…
I remember hearing this in the clubs back in the day, but I wouldn’t say it’s goth. It “just some dude hitting on a girl not from around here” instead. Still on my playlist though.
BTW, love the name. I had to read it twice to make sure it wasn’t my friend Betty Ford Galaxy commenting. (Seattle Jezzers might know her)
I would support that argument. We all considered them goth and our local record shop stocked them there.