
"The button wasn't even connected to anything."  
"Or maybe [significant pause], it was connected to everything."

I second you on Reloaded, but not Revolutions.  I don't think they should be grouped together that way, which everyone does because they were released so closely in time that everyone who never watched either of them again smushes them together in their memories.  Reloaded had some bad parts, but it attempted some

I second you on Reloaded, but not Revolutions.  I don't think they should be grouped together that way, which everyone does because they were released so closely in time that everyone who never watched either of them again smushes them together in their memories.  Reloaded had some bad parts, but it attempted some

"Cloud Atlas' smooshing of Nietzschean eternal recurrence with an Eastern notion of souls striving to improve over many lives […] works wonderfully as metaphor."

"Cloud Atlas' smooshing of Nietzschean eternal recurrence with an Eastern notion of souls striving to improve over many lives […] works wonderfully as metaphor."

"She was like a candle in the wind…  unreliable."

"She was like a candle in the wind…  unreliable."

Yeah I paid Ellison 20 bucks to take a crap, but he only did #1.  Lousy welcher.

Yeah I paid Ellison 20 bucks to take a crap, but he only did #1.  Lousy welcher.

"how Palmer herself is viewed"

"how Palmer herself is viewed"

That guy on the left looks just like Ken Marino if he played a guy in an indie band.

That guy on the left looks just like Ken Marino if he played a guy in an indie band.

She should have said, "He'll only be dead for a few minutes, so we gotta move."

She should have said, "He'll only be dead for a few minutes, so we gotta move."

So is she obligated to spend all of that Kickstarter money on career-related enterprises, or can some of it go toward buying a car or a safari or what have you?  Is it like a political campaign, where there are rules governing what you can spend it on, or is it just the Wild West?  And even if there are rules, what

So is she obligated to spend all of that Kickstarter money on career-related enterprises, or can some of it go toward buying a car or a safari or what have you?  Is it like a political campaign, where there are rules governing what you can spend it on, or is it just the Wild West?  And even if there are rules, what

"the network’s political coverage wrings my brain into a perpetual cringe—even if (and especially when) I actually agree with the commentary being given."

"the network’s political coverage wrings my brain into a perpetual cringe—even if (and especially when) I actually agree with the commentary being given."

One thing I could never understand about Wallace is how he says the purpose of writing is to "make you feel less alone."  (Relevant quotes:… I don't know what this "alone-ness" of which he speaks is.  I mean, I'm alone in my apartment right now, but when I go outside there are people, many