
Ah, so it's the people who believe he definitely died and SHUT UP if you disagree who are the ones who *can* handle ambiguity, whereas the ones who think it's not stated are the Slows who can't handle it.

"I hate conservatives, but I really fucking hate liberals"

Of course. His attempts to hide it by claiming authorial distance and that it's a dystopia ("Ooh, look at those evil Nazis in their impossibly cool black leather trenchcoats being successful at everything they do, and also are perfect physical specimens besides!") are fairly transparent.

C'mon, there's nothing wrong with fantasizing about the Confederacy winning. But maybe, to avoid this kind of racial controversy, they should adapt S.M. Stirling's series of alternate history novels about how a master race of AWB Afrikaners took over the world with the super-weapons they invented while exterminating

Democrats: "Health insurance subsidies for the poor should be higher."
Republicans: "Health insurance subsidies for the poor should be lower."
You: "Both sides are fucked up!"
Democrats: "We need stronger environmental regulations."
Republicans: "We need weaker environmental regulations."
You: "Both sides are

"Wouldn't it be false of her to just add people of colour?"

"That facts about the world are in themselves capable of shaping the brain is slowly becoming accepted."
Yes, I guess the theory of evolution *is* slowly gaining support among scientists.

Her copy of the script, and everything bearing the movie's name whenever she was on set, was modified to read "The Case for Christensen."

Wait, I thought awards, publications, etc., were determined by the quality of the work? Now you're telling me it's about personal connections and quid pro quos? I was so naive!

Someone in a writing group I used to be in exclusively wrote re-tellings of myths. Barf.

No, I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be pronounced "Latinks."

Why can't we have movies that look like Godard films anymore? Vishnevetsky mentions the primary colors in La Chinoise, but all the Godard movies of that era, compared to most movies today, have extremely bright palettes and are shot in full sun. These days movies seem to strive to compress their colors into a tiny

Do you know that if it turns you're wrong about how reliably blue your state is (like, probably, many people in WI, MI, and PA) you don't get an opportunity to do-over your vote? Or would you then just switch to saying your state is reliably red so it also doesn't matter?

Yup. A few days ago a (black) man told me the election doesn't matter because the president is just a fall guy.

If it's a secret, how did you find out?

She probably would've been like that regardless. Low-status jobs, if you quit, they hate your guts. You're "ungrateful."

I'm not sure if "preferring it to sleeping on the sidewalk and eating food out of dumpsters" is really the same thing as "liking it."

Cool Girl = women never like stereotypically male pastimes like sports or Star Trek, but are just pretending to like those things to get men = feminist position.
Fake Geek Girl = women never like stereotypically male pastimes like sports or Star Trek, but are just pretending to like those things to get men =

Chthonic doesn't mean old.

"Boring and annoying" was pretty much exactly how I described it when I walked out of the theater 17 years ago.