
American Sniper "was charged with […] creating a heliograph of someone [i.e., Chris Kyle] who didn’t deserve it "

Indigestion? What?

I'm glad to see she's obeying the law that the title of every memoir must begin with a present participle.

Maybe, but I think Coogin's question still stands. We don't see the raw material, so how do we know it's been assembled the best possible way, other than by whether we like the movie or not? The justification for the Oscar for Best Editing, as distinct from Best Picture, is presumably that some movies have better

In an alternate universe quotes from Red Letter Media's review of "Magic in the Moonlight" would be all over posters:
"A grandma movie!"

"Why do those who lose a dramatic amount of weight often gain much or all of it back?"
The conditions which caused them to become overweight in the first place often don't go away.

I guess, but don't you find it annoying when reviewers, or others, present opinions as though they were objective, incontrovertible facts? "It dies on the page." "It falls flat." "The prose soars." "It sweeps you up." What do these phrases mean except "I did/didn't like it"? What they have in common is they say

Dune killed off the Golden Age of science fiction movies, 1977-84. RIP.

Surprise you *and* be applicable to other aspects of life!

"The good family is descended from heroes, the bad family is descended from a coward"

For me that moment came when I read the sentence, "Wind howled through the night, carrying a scent that would change the world."

Ebert's 1997 reaction echoes that of Lyndon Johnson at the time of the movie's release. He said, "That's your hero? He's just a mopey loser!" (or words to that effects; it's been many years since I read the anecdote.) Well of course Johnson didn't like it—young people of that time identified with Ben, Johnson

The cities don't have to be capitals, just cities that contain presidential libraries.

It's not a shot in the dark for the people who knew the answer.

I wish I could play video games, but they would cut into the 3 hours every day I spend masturbating.

He believes writing words down on paper in private can cause other people, even ones you're never met or seen, to do things they wouldn't otherwise do.

I guess Rabin's a self-hating Jew, then.

You're right, it *is* all about entertainment!!! That's why I re-watched The Thin Red Line and passed on this movie!

KS donators aren't really "investing" in anything. If I loved Zach Braff and wanted to see his movie, I could pass on donating to his KS and still have a near certainty of seeing the movie. I could get everything his "investors" got and keep my money. Whereas in, say, the stock market, only those who actually