I am so sad this happened, but this girl is awesome for making a scene and standing up for herself. I'm twice her age, and I'm not positive I could assert myself like that in such a creepy situation.
I am so sad this happened, but this girl is awesome for making a scene and standing up for herself. I'm twice her age, and I'm not positive I could assert myself like that in such a creepy situation.
As a man I plan on wearing a feminine top, tailored skirt, and leg-lengthening heels. If I don't get a job then I'm suing UC Irvine.
Yeah- penny. She is my daughter's favourite fictional character. I really hope they don't remake the old series and sexify her and grow her up. Every time I watch this show with my child I think "Penny- your my only hope!"
If you wanted to see pussy squashed against some glass, all you had to do was ask.
Yeah, that was my first thought when I read this.
I'm feeling pretty relieved right now. I had a completely different imagine in my head of what a woman fucking a car would entail and it was kind of scary . . .
Of course media portrayals influence girls. I remember back in the '70s talking with a friend about how Charlie's Angels had us both considering becoming police officers. Not a career that would actually suit me, but there are plenty of female officers now, unlike then.
another reason sailor moon is an awesome show:
I'd point out that two of the most-watched TV shows feature women in computer roles: NCIS' Abby and Criminal Minds' Penelope Garcia. Both women, while really pretty, are also not "conventionally" attractive (ie, blonde, slim, young-2o-somethings). Garcia has the added feature of being more curvy, but rocks a unique…
Bridget Fonda played a hot professional software developer type in Single White Female.
In general, there are far fewer computer scientists depicted on TV than cops, lawyers doctors and even serial killers. Women are trying to get a piece of a small pie, in other words.
You're a good friend.
We all need friends like you.
In my freshman year of college, my best friend (who was and is absolutely gorgeous) came over to my dorm room and we were drinking heavily and doing what college girls do — watching Simpsons reruns and playing video games between drinks. She put down way more than I did and got extremely drunk, so I set my…
He's talking like he played some amazing, hilarious prank. "Silly woman! You thought you were going to talk about something important to you and many vulnerable people! You thought you were here to shine the spotlight on a nonprofit and showcase your dedication and talent! LOL NOPE."
I am deeply concerned that I'm old enough to know this kid's father, because a friend of mine named his son Jareth while I was in college. Off to go weep into my glass of Metamucil.
you just reminded me how much i fucking hate that criticism of zooey deschanel. i agree with her, wearing a peter pan collar doesn't invalidate her feminism, jfc.
I've never heard of those three but your statement reminded me of something Tina Fey once said: women can be smart, pretty or funny, they can have two of these characteristics but never three because men find it too threatening.