This so much. Those people who are like "but you're pretty, it's not possible you're a virgin" or "what? I know a guy who's down any time, want me to call him?" It's no one's business but yours how much sex you are, or aren't, having.
This so much. Those people who are like "but you're pretty, it's not possible you're a virgin" or "what? I know a guy who's down any time, want me to call him?" It's no one's business but yours how much sex you are, or aren't, having.
YES THIS THANK YOU. I hate the pressure to have sex (or not have sex) at a certain time or in a certain amount. It's one of those things that everyone should realize is no one's business, and yet, it happens.
Currently, I'm a virgin — the only relationship I've been in was entirely long-distance, so my period of…
Ugh. As someone struggling with some fertility stuff/who has read too many reccommendations for women struggling to get pregnant I can only say that he's probably going to have to give up on either the near-future baby making or the dress size 0-2. Many (though not all, for sure!) women who are that skinny (and he…
Good for Lohan...I always enjoyed her movies growing up, and I hope she stays sober and gets back on track so she can be cast in something other than Lifetime movies.
I'm pretty open about the casting for the 12th Doctor but can I just say, "Nope. Nope. Fuck No," about speculation over Hugh Grant being cast. That would be a stupid move on the BBC's part.
If they make Hugh Grant the Doctor, I may be out— He's ok but no. The Doctor should be someone without the weirdo history and ALSO someone slightly unknown for a career launch. You know, someone who deserves a boost and is not already mega famous.
Yowza. I knew I was born in 1988 but I didn't realize that that year actually took place on some tragic futuristic space cruise.
Thanks so much for this! I'm a 26-year-old virgin and I feel like a oblong pariah from Planet Zarblaff for most of the time because I feel on edge and like I "missed" something in my HS and college years. You brought me back down to earth and made me realize the common sense of the situation —- to not measure yourself…
That's not fair.
Thanks. You have perfectly summed up how I feel which has a really nice feeling. As a 25 year old virgin all of my friends are either having sex or very religious and neither group are terribly sympathetic!
I hear that—I have friends who are in their 30's and virgins (and some friends who, while not virgins, have had some long dry spells). I won't say "sex" is overrated, but talking about it and focusing on it as an indicator of who you are as a person is completely overrated.
Thank you for that...I'm a 32 year old virgin and, while I handled my 20s okay, I'm definitely becoming more nervous as I get further into my 30s. It's nice to hear about other people in similar situations.
Exactly. I am 25 years old, gay and virgin. It seems like all convos revolve around sex and I feel so fake because I have to pretend to have this experience that everybody else has. I don't admit it because everybody says the same thing to you "You should wait for somebody special" (Imagine being that by guys were…
Minus that last paragraph, I was pretty sure you had stolen my Hello Kitty diary straight up out of my sock drawer (seriously you guys, TOP SECRET).
I wish I had read something like this decades ago.
Full disclosure (if it helps anyone here). I was a virgin until I was 31. I managed to make it through the ages of 22 to 29 without a guy even looking at me romantically. It was a combination of a lot of things—incredibly low self-esteem, focusing on my career, moving a lot and not being able to build new…
I honestly loved this movie. Loved it. Everything about it. From the odd, 80's pacing, to the fraught, honest, and disturbing look at some kinds of friendships.