So, my grade school aged brothers are marathoning Victorious since school is out, which stars Ariana Grande as Cat. Cat is... unique.
1. Too many Azalea/Azaleias. Old person brain cannot compute.
I am one of those students. I returned to school in my mid-thirties to get a Bachelors (now working on a Master's as I approach 40). It has helped me, as I find that I'm more focused and motivated than I was when I was 20. My kids (5 & 7) think that you just go to school your whole life.
I teach at a college with a lot of non-traditional students (older students, veterans, homeless students, etc.) so I get a fair amount of parents. I really feel for what they are balancing, especially the single parents, and I've ended up accepting doctor's notes for kids with the flu when the parent has to miss a…
I am crying.
Oh no, crop-tops have been back in for a few years, now. I heroically resisted, but this summer I caved and bought a black one, because it was on sale and almost free. I passionately hate 90s fashion and I am kind of disappointed in myself that I gave in. I do look damn good in it, though, and it works beautifully…
Ha, exactly what I thought. I'd kill for her outfit, and a gorgeous ski chalet in which to lounge in front of the fire while Tom Hiddleston pours me a glass of wine, because those are the only surroundings that deserve it.
I don't understand why I think Taylor Swift has the best body and prettiest face and is wearing the cutest outfit of all these models.
Mean. These people wait all year (or years) for this shit. Christ, let them have their weekend.
That's horrifying. I get that furries are the internet's scapegoat, but they're so fucking harmless. The worst things I've ever seen written about them is that sometimes people get sexually inappropriate at their cons in ways that annoy others...which is the case at every con, and every mainstream convention, and…
Cat shit can be extremely dangerous to both pregnant women and newborn babies. So stop being a twit. Seriously.
Every single time Chris Pratt is brought up, there's always at least one person reminding everyone that he once found another loving home for a cat with needs that he could not accommodate anymore. I guess it's you this time.
The most important part of this seems to be thin and 30.
Tina Fey grew up in Upper Darby, PA. Her parents still live there. Upper Darby is a very short drive away from Temple University, where Bill Cosby was on the board until literally yesterday. Andrea Constand, the woman who filed the lawsuit he settled 10 or so years ago, worked at Temple. Makes sense to me that she…
I believe it. The thing about 30 Rock is a lot of the jokes have an absurd number of layers, and the show's never been shy about sacred cows. Few sitcoms would have the balls to make their main character racist, let alone make it a running joke.
Her dress was interfering with ethics in gaming journalism.
I spent a majority of my childhood praying my parents would get divorced. They marriage was MISERABLE. Which... is probably why I didn't do too much reconsidering when I decided to leave my husband at 25. We didn't fight, but there was no way I was spending a couple of decades pretending I was happy. My finances were…