
So you are saying I should consider getting that Remedy tattoo on my butt covered?

But the devs are super transparent this time! This will be the best game ever and everyone saying to wait are just haters fanning the flames for clicks.” - Anthem 2.0 subreddit 2024

Why not get a refund and buy it later when it is in a better state? Maybe by then it will even be cheaper. There is nothing to lose.

If you watch the gameplay videos they showed on the base consoles it doesn’t look anything like it actually runs. That is why they didn’t give console codes for review. Asking for a refund is fine but obviously people should have waited a day. They are lucky MS and Sony extended the refund window. Usually on Xbox at

I love the batshit stuff that AC does. There is a lot to remember though. This is a franchise now entering its 3rd console generation! They should make some anime movies that condense the story.

I meant that fast and furious game that they capped off last years show with. Butcher Bay is a classic and I would never slander it. Remake it you cowards!

Cringy game trailers starring Vin Diesel is quickly becoming my favorite holiday tradition.

I agree. Bethesda doesn’t do the years long hype cycle so it could be next year. I would be surprised if it goes to PS though. You don’t buy Zenimax to boost your subscription service and then give alternatives to that service. These subscription services take years to get profitable and chasing short term cash seems

All of those 1st party games in the July showcase were listed as next gen and PC only. Since they made that 2 year cross gen promise don’t expect to see any of them until late 2022. I don’t expect to see anything AAA besides Halo and whatever Zenimax has been up to before then.

Eventually. I just finished AC Valhalla so I need a break from big games. Playing Gears Tactics right now and then moving on to Miles Morales. Prob will start Cyberpunk in about a month maybe. Give it enough time to get some patches.

This was a lot. Games are a fun hobby. If you need to think this deeply maybe you don’t actually want to play all those games you bought. Don’t forget that your time is more valuable than whatever money you spent on that backlog so don’t throw good money after bad. If you want to replay XCom for the 10th time rather

How is progression handled now? I would be willing to try it as a single player game but will I have to repeat content and grind for levels and good gear or can I play it much like 3 and 4? Usually when someone says you can ignore the live service portion of these games what they mean is you can ignore it but you will

Someone didn’t read the article

You took this fun article way too seriously. The propaganda is working!

Pretty sure we asked to be treated this way. When people throw money at you for an entire console generation on mtx you keep giving the people what they want. Plus you know all the major players see the incredible success of Geshin Impact and have started blueprints on their own Gatcha train

Baseless conspiracy theory. This unit has received one and I’ll have you know I love processing organic material for energy and converting oxygen to carbon dioxide as much as anyone. No bots here sir. - Sincerely, Hugh Mann

He mentioned Wargroove in the second paragraph and the rest of the article is explaining his reasoning for the comparison to Advance Wars and the very specific way this game reminds him of it. Sometimes it pays to go beyond the headline before you comment.

Glad to hear the busy work element has been refined. I loved Odyssey but was resentful that I had to do so much copy and pasted side content to level up my skills and gear.

Me now - “EA better put in a lot of work on this to get me to pay full price for old games I already own

Clear media bias on naked display here. We learned from the Switch that the game media themselves are the tasty part of a console. How much is Sony paying you guys?