
Yeah but my PC can’t fit anymore icons on the desktop or something. We gotta find a random employee to harass over this travesty. Steam or GTFO.

I haven’t watched this yet but I’m already emotionally invested in all the teams. Damn this entertaining looking commercial disguised as a TV show. You win Fox, I’ll stream it tonight.

Can’t tell if its Bobby’s burner account or a sweet summer child.

Whole damn meal

I want to catch up on the anime but that pacing though. I took a break after Dressrosa to let episodes build up to watch all at once. Just looked it up and the arc after took two years and over 90 episodes. I can do this. I can do this.

No M+KB support on Xbox? A few games take advantage of it and this seems like a no brainer.

MBS ordered the kidnapping and murder of one of Bezos’ employees at the Washington Post and he is partying with him and exchanging contact info for chit chat because....they are both rich and the reporter was not. Guess he doesnt count then.

The little boy who loves MLK would would not throw a fit when he learned of blackface’s horrible history. It’s not that hard to ya know...not paint your face black. When a barista says “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas” and people take that as a war of Christians. That’s victim mentality.

Haven’t played 2K in a long time. Is the franchise mode still mtx free? Where you play with one team over multiple seasons drafting and trading? If it is then let the kids spend all the money they want dressing up their virtual dolls in the create your own player mode I say.

Played this at US launch for around two months which is longer than any F2P game ever for me. If they used those assets and made a proper single player FF game I would be interested.

“I’m here to talk to you about the Sinister Six initiative” Would be my guess

He said one to two years. Probably closer to one. They are just doing with 1st party what 3rd party games have done forever. Launch cross gen titles early in a console life cycle to maximise sales on the huge install base of the previous gen. They’re not reinventing the wheel or supporting the Xbox One long term with

I love that the NBA is keeping up the facade that a bunch of people working for the same company won’t talk about work together. All these guys are friends and spend a ton of time in the offseason together. These super teams didn’t happen by accident.

A game that came out in 2015 and you can buy for $15 dollars isn’t gonna cause too much buyers remorse I think.


“PS5 will massively outsell Xbox Series X in its first month.”

I wouldn’t spend ad dollars funding tournaments either. Smash sells a ton in part because it isn’t viewed as a sweat fest. If Smash tournaments don’t attract enough viewers to get outside ad dollars than it is no more deserving of sponsorship than the rec league tournament at the local YMCA.

Yeah I got a ipega split controller way back in 2015 for my tablet. This form factor was not invented by Nintendo anymore than Apple invented the rectangle with the debut of the ipad.

Saw the picture and let out a high pitched squeal. This is the cruelest thing Kotaku has ever done.

You are gonna pay $60 for definitive edition years from now? Amateur. Wait another few years after that and get it for $5. A few years after that and someone may give it to you for free. You must be rich.