You are so smart and interesting. Go on
You are so smart and interesting. Go on
Do you have a better way to feel a sense of superiority without having to do anything? People stopped wearing fedoras and no one has posted an article about vaping today. Let us have this.
I’m also putting off this game until I have time to watch some long ass videos lol. Also until google gives us proper blocking on Youtube check out the video blocker extension on chrome. Managed to wipe my searches clean on the filth in a few weeks.
Is there a skill element to the game or are you basically just farming to hit the required power to win next matchup.
You aren’t treating the placement of a second icon on a gamers desktop with the seriousness it deserves. This is literally the worst thing to happen to gamers since women.
Cool. Look forward to diving into it this weekend. Gonna be refreshing to play a game with an ending.
Will video games ever get to the same place as other media where it can exist and tell stories political or not without fear of harassment? Compared to other media gaming is still very young but I don’t have faith we will ever move past this phase we are in.
Looks like I better unload my GameStop credit I accumulated through flips.
Anthem : Marvel Edition
Mind elaborating? I’m not familiar with Spider but when I saw this the first thing I thought was Bioware makes the Witcher lol. That game would be right up my alley.
3 years of gamepass and gold for $180 or less is a great deal. I would never pay full price though.
I assume this will be on gamepass so I’ll check it out I suppose.
You are correct. Now excuse me while I try to get the CEO of McDonalds on the phone because the Big Mac I bought looked nothing like the picture on the menu.
The lack of convolution is what caused launch D2 to be so lackluster. These forever games need a lot of room to min-max or people get bored and leave.
Better question. Why would anyone take at face value what a person trying to sell them a product was telling them? All we have to do is just wait a day or two for reviews and all of the marketing BS doesn’t matter.
People say the same thing about video games. You aren’t the only one with a high horse.
On a slightly different topic. Whats the origin story of the Deadspin-Bill Simmons beef? I always found him to be a somewhat annoying but harmless sports media member who has a keen eye for talent. I missed the genesis of this hate.
they are cheating not only the game but themselves. this is serious business
Anyone watching youtube on PC check out the video blocker extension. Since google wont let you hide channels this will do it for you. I used to hate casually watching gaming videos before because you would be halfway through one and then all of a sudden the guy will start blaming SJW’s and Mexicans for some incel…