
I believe its homo demons as in homo sapiens or homo superior for my xmen peoples.

something something....these is no 8k content yet!.....something something...I hate early adopter tech everything must be made specifically for me!

something something....these is no 8k content yet!.....something something...I hate early adopter tech everything

Edit - Its bots all the way down. I turned on airplane mode during a match and nothing changed. The AI just gets better after you get past the 4th circuit. Very disappointing and hopefully actual multiplayer comes with the final release.

Played a fair bit. You play against bots until the 5th circuit. Game becomes much more fun after that. Different racers, karts and gliders give bonuses based on the course you are playing. The biggest one is the racer which will let you hold 1,2 or 3 items depending on the course. I would consider it a minor p2w

Only works if you were approved for the beta.

Has anyone lost a race? Seems like we are racing against bots for this beta.

Old rich men are the the root of 99% of the worlds problems.

Could be a “Dont you guys have phones!” issue. Will the amount of new players justify porting and supporting another version of the game? I can see the argument that if people didn’t already play it on mobile why would they now play it on switch, xbox, ps.

So sick of this shit. Throw him in the dumpster with Cole Train from Gears of War please.

This is one of the few issues that could overcome the Right-Left divide. The game lobby is gonna experience crunch first hand I think. Its gonna take a lot of donations for anyone to fight against banning gambling for minors.

This is such an unforced error. I know they were supposed to be time limited but why not disable the timer given the state of the game? Taking away some of the extremely limited content that currently exists replaced with nothing? Its almost like they want this game cancelled so they can move on with their lives. 

“I know game development is hard and half of the universe is dead but.....YOU PROMISED SHOTGUN NERFS 6 MONTHS AGO!” - Endgame era Reddit

Not a lawyer so no clue on the legal rights letter writer has but purely on a logic level this seems unreasonable. The most they are maybe owed is the difference between his unemployment check and his salary until Jan 1st. Why would they expect to get unemployment benefits past the date they agreed to quit? Seems like

Mario Kart in my pocket at all times? Small sliver of my soul wants it to be bad because otherwise my productivity will plummet.

The first chapter is 9 hours? 9 fun hours or is there a lot of filler? I was waiting until all the DLC dropped to play because I always assume these things are skimpy but now I’m very intrigued.

I’ve never purchased on of their products but i’m always amused that their existence makes some people so angry. They just sell clothes.

That your mind never even considered unions or the crazy idea that a company accepts slightly lower profits and increase staff shows how much corporate propaganda has won.

Companies treating their employees like shit is the customers fault. This is a spicy take. I love that there are no other options in your mind.

I’m just gonna assume Macy flipped on his wife because that will make the inevitable lifetime movie so much better.