
While I think their security measures are going too far I cant really blame them. If something did happen the inevitable lawsuits would cost a fortune. Win or lose the lawyers need to get paid. This is the unfortunate reality of living in a country where we both want everyone and their baby to have a gun but also want

Too soon to start port begging?

I gave up hope for gun control after Sandy Hook. If a classroom full of dead 5 yr olds didn’t change anything some dead gamers wont. Conservatives will say the answer is for everyone to carry a gun and the liberals will politely push back but not actually do anything. We live in a country where firearms are worshiped

Why didnt this come out like a month ago? There are so many games coming out the rest of this year I’m gonna die. Video Games Forever

I assume they will pull your credit for this so why not just open up a credit card instead? 18 month no interest is fairly common plus potential bill credit for spending x amount on many. You can also take advantage of Live and game pass sales which are fairly common. If you cant pay off your console in 18 months then

Yes because only Youtubers have ever committed murder-suicide.

For the rest of his life when someone googles his name this will be his legacy. So incredibly embarrassing for him. What boggles my mind is that it would take more work to plagiarize like he did than to just write your own shit. I could talk about the games I love for hours. He couldn’t come up with a 5 minute script

Now playing

I saw this tweeted video on how to emotionaly manipulate people on youtube. Filip’s video follows this formula exactly down to the initial sigh to getting up and turning off the camera. He plagiarized the apology lol.

And its not even like the original review said something that was especially unique and he wanted to steal it for himself. If he actually played the game and enjoyed it it should have been easy to break down its pros and cons for a 5 minute video. That would have to be faster than rewriting someones else work wouldn’t

This “apology” seems more like an acting monologue than sincere emotions. That sigh and quick cut in the beginning lol. The only time he seems remotely sincere is when he is criticizing Jason for having the audacity to report news. He also said he watched videos for research before he did his review. I’m not a writer

It would take more time to search for a video on youtube and slightly tweak the language than to just write your own damn video. It was only 4-5 minutes long! The only explanation is that the IGN guy did not play the game for very long if at all and was coming up on a deadline. So very very dumb. 

Head pats or GTFO onee-chan!

A good mobile game for me will occupy me for 5-10 min bursts while i’m waiting on something else in real life. So this sounds like it fits the bill. 

Any good longforms or docs on the NFLPA? The most profitable and popular sport in the richest country in the world does not have guaranteed contracts for its players so I have to assume that the union is corrupt as shit. I don’t see hows its possible that any negotiations with the owners don’t start and end at

As someone who doesnt care about cars I am surprised to learn Auto Fanboys are a thing. What a time to be alive.

I was skeptical of streaming games until I got into the Geforce now beta. It actually works really well for me. I do have a good connection so YMMV and all that. Local hardware isnt going anywhere anytime soon but the tech is promising.

Cant disagree with anything written but I must admit I finally understand “best girl” debates. I would give my life for Zero Two.

These were just the cops too dumb to turn off their body camera. Imagine all the harm the more competent evil pigs do. Its terrifying. 

Most of the games are old and you could pick up used copies very cheaply. I would never keep a continuing sub but for 1 month rentals its a good value. Its what I plan on doing for any MS exclusives in the future. I’ll pay 10 bucks for 1 month of forza 4 etc. 

If erasing bases is that easy the population must be extremely low for it not happen constantly. That mechanic has grief written all over it.