Hey MantiMeow: I. don't. give. one. single. fuck. about. what. you. think.
Hey MantiMeow: I. don't. give. one. single. fuck. about. what. you. think.
And, rock on, kid who recorded Brian basically admitting to rape and then giving it to the police because he knew that what his "friend" did was rape and a terrible fucking thing to do .
Reaching for the positive in this story: ROCK ON, OKLAHOMA KNITTING FEMINISTS.
for someone just telling someone else they have a shitty attitude, you have the shittiest attitude i have ever seen. like, what is wrong with you? every comment i have read from you has been elitist, arrogant, rude and unhelpful. you seem extremely judgmental, and from what i can see of your conversation with oh dear,…
Thank you for articulating why his/her comment was ridiculous in such a marvelous and factual way.
You're fucking creepy.
You are oversimplifying things in a way that is distorting what happened here. Can I ask why you ignore the fact that she was a student in your "independent actor" analysis? 14 year olds are required by law to go to school. First, being in this environment in and of itself is not a choice of this girl and that is…
It's just not fair, how you white people suffer.
Look at him not only making food for people less fortunate, but trying his best to make TASTY food.
Monkey bar dating. Some people are terrified of being single so instead of breaking up with someone they stay until they find a replacement. Most people outgrow this stage sometime during middle school. Less mature, chicken shit individuals never do.
Taking photos across you out the window? That really gets on my nerves. I switched seats with a guy once doing that because he was driving me up the wall. He was "oh, no, I like the aisle seat." I'm like, okay, but I don't like having your iphone flashing my face every few minutes, nor my weak chin bordering every…
WOMEN........BUZZKILl??????? WHAT IS THIS NEW JOKE I HAVE NEVER HEARD BEFORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I live in San Francisco and it would appear that in order to find someone, which at this point my desperation is bordering on the obscene, I have to feign an interest in outdoor activities. "Oh, I just love sea kayaking!!", I heard myself say the other day on a date. The only time I went sea kayaking, it was in the…
Guns make homes less safe, not more. Every woman please take note!
I had a laugh at this, but the dudes in charge aren't doing anything even as they spend billions trying to combat rising sea levels. At best, I bet this will lead to lots of the brochacho's in charge to say "well more pussy for me then!" In fact I can guarantee it will be just exactly that terrible.
You'd think any school that forces its gay students to stay in the closet would be all about beards.