
one of the most conservative members of Congress

But positions already ARE held exclusively for white people (or in this case, men). And you’re supporting it.

frames Jesus as a nobody preaching the gospel in Syria

I’m a little concerned that it could end up being Joe Biden by default.

The only griddle I find oppressive is the “Mc” variety.

Cool story, bro.

“Let’s get a candidate who is as relatable as John Kerry, as inspiring as Mike Dukakis and with all the charisma of Al Gore, but then make him gay. That guy will beat Trump FOR SURE!!”

THIS! This is why you cannot actually wear a coat like the one Clio is suggesting in your day-to-day NYC life. Because while it is lovely during your treks outside between the HEATED PLACES, you will become a HOT SWEATY BALL OF MESS and then DIE OF HEATSTROKE any time you enter a subway, taxi, bodega, Starbucks, Duane

unless you move into a 20 year old neighborhood

I’m not sure why people don’t bring up Kimberly Guilfoyle’s previous marriage to Gavin Newsom more often. Back then, she regularly gave speeches at events for liberal organizations - like the Empire State Pride Agenda, where I saw her speak - and played this same role but on the opposite side.

She is an opportunist of

It’s a gorgeous 84 degrees and sunny here in Downtown Los Angeles!

Last night, after a late night at the office, I got off the elevator on the FIFTH FLOOR of my parking garage in downtown Los Angeles and was greeted by a fucking raccoon. How is there a raccoon living on the fifth floor of a parking garage in the middle of a major urban city???

DiFi endorsed Biden over Harris, huh? God, she’s awful. I really wish someone better than Kevin de Leon had challenged her.

Good lord, what’s going on with Cletus in the main pic there? Justin’s looking quite intentionally meth-y these days. If I were Hailey, I’d get a refund before he starts losing teeth.

I don’t understand the outrage at thinking that implementing policies - like medically accurate sex education and easy/free access to contraception for both women and men - that would lead to fewer unintended pregnancies and therefore make abortion “rare” is somehow a bad thing. No one who is pro-choice is saying that

I was a Bernie supporter in 2016 and now support Warren. Back then, I thought all the talk of misogynistic “Bernie bros” was trumped (ahem) up. Now... holy shit, I think the Clintonistas were right. Go into any Sanders web forum and the hate for Warren is visceral. Just look at all the comments on Twitter when she got

He looks like what would happen if Skeletor fucked a Claire’s Boutique.

A “good boss/owner” is still a boss/owner, and as a boss, their interests are inherently opposed to those of workers.

Behind the “Southernmost Point in the Continental U.S.” marker in Key West with a South African tourist I’d just met at a very tragic gay bar. We couldn’t go back to mine because I was in college and staying with my parents, and couldn’t go to his because he was travelling with friends he was not out to. I was pretty

I don’t understand how this Jeffree Star person is the HBIC of anything related to “beauty” when it looks like what would happen if Skeletor lost a fist fight with a Hot Topic.