$10,000 bail for driving on a suspended license? What in the actual fuck?
$10,000 bail for driving on a suspended license? What in the actual fuck?
Oh good. Trump’s presidency was starting to make my nightmares apathetic - ‘what can I do,’ my brain asks ruefully, ‘that’s more horrifying than the fact the only thing between us and nuclear devastation is the weakness of Trump’s tiny, button fumbling fingers’ - but this should liven them up horrifically.
i pay 70$ for my overwatch game so if i want to play widow maker with a guitar in rank ill do it
It’s my favorite show on TV. Although (I feel like a traitor for saying it because I love it so much)....is it just not the same without Greg?
I love this show so much. So glad it’s already picked up for season 3!
While it is true that it is very common for the President to temporarily shut things down during the transition there are some unusual aspects of this.
Canadian? She’s Canadian?????
Richard Spencer’s hate tank, the National Policy Institute, is classified as a 501c3 tax-exempt charitable organization.
So, job losses at the nation’s largest employer?
Fun fact: IIRC recent presidents are just as likely to be left handed as right handed, despite making up only 10% of the population. It’s a weird statistical anomaly.
I wish we could have them forever, but I am deeply grateful that we had them for 8 years.
Melania will be proud to continue her charitable endeavors post presidency. She will start a foundation for poor ugly kids to get plastic surgery to compete fairly on the sex worker market.
I just want to re-iterate again to Elon Musk and everyone at SpaceX that I think I’d make a fine candidate for their Mars colonization program. #getmethefuckouttahere
Yes but hangovers don’t knock you out of the workforce for two years. And you do expect someone else to pay for your accidents, which is why everyone is required to pay for car insurance. It’s called being practical and intelligent, instead of high and mighty and proclaiming that people should just stop doing that…
I just recently started trying out Zenyatta. And I used his ult and fell down the well on Illios because I thought he would just float over it.
A tax code shouldn’t be based entirely on the lowest common denominator, because a completely unnuanced flat-rate either takes too much hair off lower incomes or treats higher incomes as if they’re helplessly living on as fragile margins as the poor. Your first 9k is precious no matter who you are, and the 100k you…