
Can you elaborate on the coffee cup trick.... Me and my 09 Forester thank you in advance 

Why does high beam warning in the instrument cluster need to be so god damn bright? Why can’t it dim with the rest of the backlighting in the cluster. When it gets dark out I dim my gauge backlighting, but then every time I turn my high beams on I have a glaring blue light shining into my eyes. I’ve been tempted to

Oh, man... Every car needs that Saab Night Panel option!

I currently have ‘18 FXT and ‘98 Grand Cherokee; since I put the Fumoto on the FXT its about an easy of an oil change as it gets; the filter replacement can’t possibly get any easier. I could do it without lifting it but its quite tight, so I just use a basic set of plastic ramps (much safer then using a jack/stands)

I installed one on my Wrangler JK. First car I’ve ever used a Fumoto with. I opted for the one with the nipple for a hose. By far the cleaniest, easier oil changes ever now.

Loved my Fumoto, but they do prevent you from being able to drain quite as much oil as when removing the plug altogether. Maybe a few less ounces.  Does it actually matter? Probably not.

I’ve had a Fumoto on my car for five years.  The head gaskets may be leaking, but not the drain plug.

Love Fumotos.  Just think they could work on their hose-adapter models a bit.  The little white plastic hose clip thing either refuses to come off or refuses to stay on.  I like the hose so I can just direct it into an old wiper fluid bottle.

Yeah, I’ve got two of them (Outback and Forester) between the GF and I.  Love it.  Best part of the cars.

Subaru fixed that on the new models though.

I think I might be old.  

I cant wait for the offroad world to start playing with electric motors to power their rock crawlers. Think a 500:1 reduction gear on an electric motor....crawling at 0.05mph over anything....silently.

The cool kids listened to Silverchair. I was really more of a Toadies or Filter fan. Which eventually progressed to more metal and punk.

I have so much respect for Selma Blair right now. Canes are a very fraught topic for people who need them because they’re so othering. Having a famous person unapologetically rock her (gorgeous) cane really matters for disability representation.

But don’t you just love the way he leans??

...but he spanked the little rice hatch.

Orlove’d: When you flip your dream car on it’s roof

Maybe I’m misunderstanding what this truck does. I thought “light check” activates all lights in sequence so you can check them easily. If this is an automated check, I’m out, I don’t want that.

+plus while walking around checking lights you can also inspect tires, check that your load is secure, etc.

If you need this stuff to tow, you shouldn’t be towing to begin with.