Every Land Cruiser I drove in a Combat Zone was White
Every Land Cruiser I drove in a Combat Zone was White
Welcome to 2011, lol.
And that, right there is why I’ll be buying a Tacoma in November. Even though I love the idea of the Gladiator, I’ve been burned twice before on FCA products. Never again.
The Red Lantern used to be a nice place, until they started letting those CHMSL types in. “Oooh, look at me, I’m up so high!” Jerks.
Looking at this and all I’m hearing is Waylon Jennings. “just some good old boys. Never meaning no harm”
Way to ruin a Beetle. That flat-four chugging away is 80% of the charm of the things. If I wanted a golf cart, I would buy a golf cart.
I’m absolutely gutted. She was an incredible talent and incredible personality. The world is poorer without her in it.
I’m interested to hear the podcast and I’ve been thinking about you a lot over the last year. I’m always glad to see your work pop-up, but every time you do I think about your accident and how I hope you are healing well and figured you’d talk to us about it when you could. I think you got married just a…
They could go the other way and bring the cred back to the Land Cruiser with a very hard core (way more than people need) setup and a more throwback look. Tripple lockers and a little more 60 series in the shape and I bet you would see a huge uptick in the cross-shoppers for the vehicles you mention.
go away dream killer.
There really isn’t a market for the 70 series in the US. As much as I think they are cool, I wouldn’t buy one. First, I do prefer an automatic transmission when off-road as it is easier to start up on a hill, easier to ease over obstacles, and easier to startup on sand without digging in. The 70 has never been offered…
Bullshit. I’ve had better roadrash from fucking on carpet.
I was hoping for some pro driver tip to keep me from sliding off the road if I carried too much speed into an unexpected decreasing radius turn, like adding a bit of gas or using the handbrake. “Using the brake” and “looking through the corner” is not terribly helpful.
I’m sorry, but no.
Agreed, Hydro planing is a result of too much speed and losing traction with the ground due to that speed when encountering water puddles on the highway. Regardless of how the Cruise Control is designed to work, it is still safer to not use CC when driving in heavy rain for many more reasons than possible hydro…
I feel like you are arguing semantics on generally good advice. Rainy conditions often require high variability in your speed in order to maintain safe driving conditions. Therefore, in general, the safer option is to not use cruise control in the rain. The title of this article doesn’t really reflect that