
Sometimes I wish costco have this, but I realize that will be a longer wait.

As a Canadian, I won’t be going to the U.S. until Trump is out of office. I resent the fact that innocent people are being denied entry based solely on their skin colour. My co-workers friend was denied entry because she was brown skinned - her religion, Sikh, is not even remotely close to muslim. I have a feeling

RIP in peace, ULY.

Never finance. Just buy weird old used shit and spend your money fixing it.

lets not beat around the bush though; that parking lot is epic.

Who else had their eyes go immediately to checking out the what kind of cars were parked in the background?

Fucking hell. I’m sitting on the couch right now with my 4-year old daughter snuggled against me. I cannot imagine a more horrible thing to experience. My heart goes out to that father.

I wish I hadn’t.

I’m not even going to watch the video. I just can’t. Oh God. My condolences to the father and the rest of the family.

This would never happen in the USA. Most American kids couldn’t even fit under a land cruiser.

(my no shit was a very sarcastic no shit)

Hmm I see, I see... Followup question: what are those 4 round thingies at the corners of a car? 

This thing makes me feel angry and confused. 3500 lbs towing from a 2.5 liter i4...wut? Then there is the lift/not lift, (amazing they didn’t need new suspension with a whole .4 inches). Plus all adventure should be unnecessary on a car that is an acronym for Recreational Activity Vehicle 4 Wheel drive (to say nothing

This is a pretty neat thread on prototype and unusual buses, including this police example with a super unnecessarily complex adaptation for a radar gun.

Iltis was sold under plenty brands, in case of Great White North it was a Bombardier brand...

Also on old turbo cars, you LFB while keeping your right foot on the gas to keep the turbo spooled up.

That and the exhaust burble.

Justice is served!