As a Cavs fan, I hope you’re right. As a rational human I’m positive you’re not.
As a Cavs fan, I hope you’re right. As a rational human I’m positive you’re not.
Just saw on Twitter that the Bulls have won 18 Thursday night TNT games in a row. How is that possible?
Schilling is so boring.
Oh, I totally agree- I’m a cavs fan. I really don’t think the C’s have a chance in the playoffs against Cleveland.
And that’s the reason Korver was covered and Williams was open.
“Nobody Speak” is a great song.
Sporting KC would like a word with you...
You misunderstand. Im not talking about the course of CTE, im talking about prevalence.
It is terrible. Everyone gets cancer. Hardly anyone gets CTE.
My comment has to do with the relative prevalence of the two diseases.
Equating cancer and damage from concussions, in any way, is insane.
You dont even have to watch. You can SMEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLL what the rock is cooking.
Somewhere, Joba Chamberlain screams into the night...
Definitely a stonker, not quite sure it rises to thunderbastard status.
Fucking EVERYBODY knows healthcare is complicated but you, you jabroni.
Totally disagree. It invented a new kind of movie.
Pulp Fiction was a revolutionary movie. So was Reservoir Dogs, but no one saw it. There are so many movies that have been made since then that would never have even been conceived without Pulp Fiction. Shawshank is great, well acted, good script, all that shit, but it had been done before just as well.
Yeah, the dude who said “We lost, by the way” came off a little petty. But I think you have to give him a pass. What an awkward situation.
Eesh. Bad take Rich.
You are so wrong. He handled it perfectly, like a leader should. He saw that Beatty and Kimmel were flummoxed, and said, well, I’m going to make perfectly clear what has happened here.