
I for one am enjoying this season much more than 3. It’d no season 2, but I think it captures the Coen Brothers feeling pretty well.

I’m interested to watch Seduced. I couldn’t stick with The Vow because I just didn’t feel much for the “victims”. It just seemed like a bunch of skinny, pretty white ladies trying to defend falling for this bozo. Like they would talk about how Keith was so mesmerizing and then cut to this sweaty little dweeb in a

That’s fair.  But watching ads/trailers, it seems to have more of a period setting, and at least a little bit of a civil rights story.  Both of which I dig.  

I thought Watchmen was dumb and bad (yes, I’m the only one). Should I watch this? I thought watchmen was too heavy on the make-em-ups and I just didn’t find it compelling.  This looks like it may be a little more reality based, which I would like.  Also, I’m kind of a fraidy cat.  

I ABSOLUTELY will question the inclusion of The Mandalorian. Why do people like it? It was corny as fuck, and the acting was wooden.

Shea Whigham is soooo great in everything. Gonna have to do a Boardwalk Empire rewatch.

There are two people with a chance. The other person is a much worse choice, even if you are a one issue voter concerned only with sexual harassment of women.

I’m behind, obv.

No one will ever see this cuz I’m super late to this, but why the hell did Matt tell Tilly about the escape? Are we to assume he actually wants her along? Cusz I don’t believe that for a second.

How scary is it? I’m kind of a wuss; my wife even more so.

“You Dropped a Bomb on Me” is a STONE. COLD. JAM.


Sign me up.  Toast of London is Great.

I will watch the fuck out of this. Not Jewish, but I have always admired Judiasm as a religion (seems relatively grounded as moral systems guided by a magic skyman), and I feel like per capita, it’s hard to find a group that has contributed more joy and knowledge to the world.

In Hoosiers, the drunk was the Asst. Coach.  And he relapsed.  But yeah, mostly. 

I’m from Indiana. Pork Tenderloins (“Tinderline” if you live south of Greenwood) abound. You fold that shit in half.

Well, where has THAT show been? So much more engaging than what we’ve seen to this point.

I’m afraid this show might be dumb.  

I’d say it’s usually hundreds or thousands of things.