Corollary: The NBA is ELEVENTY GAZILLION times better to watch than college basketball.
Corollary: The NBA is ELEVENTY GAZILLION times better to watch than college basketball.
I bet the high Efg is partly (mostly?) due to the fact that dudes shoot so many 3s now and very few long 2s.
Klinsy got to go.
I’ve seen him twice, nearly 30 years apart and he was infuriatingly bad both times. Just totally dismissive of the audience.
This is very misguided.
To be fair, everyone leaving a Dylan show is in pain, cuz that guy sucks live.
I have three teens in my house. They have their moments, i suppose.
This guy seems pretty smart. I bet hell land on his feet.
These are good teens.
I rode next to Bill Walton on a flight from LA to Cleveland in 2004 (used to travel for work. Upgrades were plentiful). I really debated whether to engage him but left him alone.
These folks will soon find out their man Trump cant do shit to bring those jobs back.
How rare are own goals in hockey? Not a big watcher, but i dont tjink ive ever seen one.
I keep thinking there’s no way in the world this guy actually wants to do this job.
Seems unreal. Here’s what I’ve been clinging to:
Vote, then boo.
Is it becuase they’re too fucking stupid?
It’s enough with this guy, already. Zen Master, my hairy anus.
Can the NFL please die, already?
This comment is dumb as hell.
Just shockingly bad.