Jeff Bergstrom

I know this is being harped on a lot around here but I thought the worst example of expository dialogue yet happened tonight, which was a very good episode overall: Wysocki says to Evers right before a commercial break "The money in the bag wasn't from a drug deal….it was ransom money." Geesh.

Yeah, I found it distracting as well. Not very believable. Remind me how Gibbons got connected to Liam in the first place? How was he recommended to him?

Definitely the worst episode of the season, maybe of the series.

So is it pretty certain it won't get renewed? It's ratings are better than Terrier were, aren't they? And I believe it is a Fox production, which should help its case a bit as well (same as The Chicago Code).

I don't think that's you looking for fault at all, I think you're right actually. That's the problem with TCC thus far, at least in my opinion: it's insecure. It's trying to be credible and yet work in all the notes they certainly got from Fox executives. It's a great network show. A middle of the road basic cable

TV By the Numbers had the ratings as a series-low for this week. What do you think are the realistic chances for renewal at this point?

I agree about the acronym, Murray. No need to make your readers feel ignorant.

Yeah, I agree, I really did not like the wipe edits at all. Felt cheesy. I did, however, really like the visuals Mike and Noel are talking about during the interrogation scene. But very strange that that was the only time they were used. I would love to see more of that.

Fantastic article and very compelling thoughts. Thanks, Baron and Jason.

Yeah, I get Oven Grinders and then go to Navy's Pier and listen to blues at The Green Mill and go to games at U.S. Cellular Field. So. Who's Chicago now? I'm kidding obviously. Wait, that was too expository. You're right, ColHapablab, I remember that line and it's a perfect example.

Nailed it
I think this review was right on on what continues to handcuff this show. A lack of confidence and trust in the audience. I wonder how much of that comes from Fox. My guess is a lot. But hopefully this spoon fed lack of subtlety will be lessened if it gets renewed. If not maybe TNT will pick it up too!

Haha yes now that you mention it I remember that as well. It never fails that little things like that can be irritatingly distracting.

No Court
First episode in a while that I can remember no courtroom scene. Is this correct?

Yes I remember that as well.

I have noticed this as well. Have you submitted it under the contact form ever? I will try, but if its been that way for years then surely they are aware.

O'Neal is so right about successful websites "fixing" what wasn't broke. Metacritic is a glaring example. The navigation is terrible. It takes a minimum of 58 clicks to get to your desired content. My favorite weather site, weatherunderground, is the latest example. Some web consultants make a whole lot

Great question!

Am I the only one who noticed the address to the Commerce Dept was 420?

I am also a big fan of Southland and feel like it is absolutely underrated. And it is silly to me that the AV Club doesn't cover it, but it does The Middle, like changshafu pointed out. That said, I do agree with Sad Vader that this season has been a bit uneven. Maybe uneven isn't it…it might be just what Sad

Not enough fun, not enough grit
"Simplifications that feel like concessions to the streamlining process of network television." Absolutely. Well said. That's my main issue with this show that I really, really want to love but, so far, only like. It is, as Noel also pointed out, very well shot and edited, but it seems