Jeff Bergstrom

Not sure but totally know what you mean and your compare and contrast is right on.

Loved Sea Change but this is just boring. It's all pleasant and inoffensive but it's not interesting or moving. This is after many repeat listens.

Mega-operatic. Nice.

I can't wait to hear Dr. Lecter describe what he made for dinner!

I didn't realize this was Sims' first review, I apologize. But it does seem like AV Club has some groupthink going on with this show. The Newsroom is garbage and yet you were an Alphas apologist Van Der Werff. Come on.

Sims you sound like a sad old grouchypants. Geez. Look, the show has issues but it's not nearly as bad as you make it sound. Maybe AV Club needs some fresh eyes on it.

It's also gone from Rdio

Even down to her not being able to talk and having to point to letters (or pictures in this case).

I think this episode was better then the last two weeks, but I still have an uneasy suspicion that the series will become even more of a pay-cable 24 and less of the compelling and subtle drama that was the best thing on tv that it was for the first few episodes.

Yeah, you make a good point.

I agree. Outside of the basement it's so earnest, in the basement it becomes The Office. The two don't mix well, I don't think. It's almost like its trying to be two different shows. And I don't think any of the other basement misfits are notably interesting or funny.

I was put off by the Best Buy promotional consideration. I realize that a whole lot of people do in fact go to Best Buy on Black Friday, but the multiple mentions by name and the shot with the sign in it was a bit much. Made it feel like some low budget CW sitcom.

Hmmm, I thought it was the least funny so far.

Yes that right! Thanks!

Just listened to it, it was that song. Great album.

I believe it was Gangsta by the band tUnE-yArDs

I thought Demme directed the pilot?

Sorry if this has been mentioned before but the political guy that hired Eli is supposed to be James Carville, right?

I definitely was waiting for revelations that Father Tio molested Packer, especially after his mom said they sent him to St Matthews. Either that or the brother was the guilty one. I actually thought the final scene with Packer and his family was pretty shocking.

While the episode still had frustrating aspects, it was much better than the last two weeks. Move forward, story, please, I beg of you.