Jeff Bergstrom

"I envy the blind.
I sometimes think I too would give my sight to play the piano like that"

Agreed. Very interesting thoughts on the whole double vision as a metaphor thing. This is the sort of review that I love A.V. Club for. I keep trying to tell people how articles like this on this site make for so much richer of a viewing experience for your favorite shows. But, they never seem to find their way

Nice line
"No one's getting a divorce. Or a boob job."

Theme Song
Definitely not Gunfight Epiphany but the Billy Corgan industrial vibe worked well. Personally, I would've preferred some Jeff Tweedy but, hey, that's just me.

Interesting point, Mike. Perhaps you're right.

Good Guys vs Bad Guys
I know that it was only a pilot. I agree with the definition above of "cable-style" but to me that sophistication was lacking in that every character seemed clearly a good guy/idealist/reformer or crime boss/muscle/corrupt. Again, I know that it is only the pilot. But, even so, everything was so

Musical Montage
The song during the musical montage was by the absolutely fantastic Josh Ritter. Can't recommend him enough. Here's the song:…

You're correct. Lazy of me. Apologies!

Finally found it: Noah Emmerich. And I'm totally thinking of him from Truman Show and Beautiful Girls. Both great movies, by the way. Beautiful Girls is totally underrated. I started crushing on Natalie Portman b/c of that movie. And the scene where they all sing Sweet Caroline? Priceless. I digress…

It's funny because how many times have we heard "is this the next LOST" (Flash Forward, V, The Event, etc) and, yet, here we really do seem to have the next Lost on our hands and yet more than not people I talk to have yet to see an episode. Oh well, I suppose I can relish the fact that I can say I was there

Very Cinematic
The pilot felt extremely cinematic. Probably more than any other regular cable show I've ever seen. I was enjoying it so much that at a few points I wished it was a movie so it could take some more time to develop a few scenes. Like the scene where he found the horse…I think in a film that would have

I'm really glad that they've moved out of the Hospital sets, at least for now. I was getting really tired of the conversations in Gemma's room and the chapel with the 5 half pews. The sets seemed cheap and cluttered, did they not?

I completely agree that it's time to put the Eli Gold YouTube controversy of the week plotline to death…or at least down for a long nap. The talk show host, the viral song of the call girl, the college kid who talked to the daughter, the college kid who talked to the brother…okay, enough!

Jimmy, Nucky's Offspring?
Is it crazy to wonder if Jimmy could be Nucky's son?

OH MAN! I couldn't not realize where I knew her. Of course! Mrs Cross!

How cool is she?

Great point, Cliffy.

Greatest Cleaner Ever
The Wolf from Pulp Fiction:

Cheese Factor Increase
Is it just me or did the ending 'so this is what endearing truth about our family that only makes us love them more' feel esp cheesy this week? Its always bordered on a little too much cheese for my comfort. But, I don't ever remember the music at the end wrapup/voice over scene do you?