
Technically he's still an omnivore not that you can't be both but cannibal sounds so negative.

We have butchers in the west we really do if you want to go to walmart that's on you. They are much harder to find nowadays that I will conceed. But they are there only problem is most of the meat is coming from the same 4 giant meat processing companies.

See now this is a perfect post to have a video. I would watch that as gruesome as it may be. If your gonna go with the TV model then go with the TV model dammit.

These things are hardwired into phones by companies I'm sure someone leaked this to somebody engineers have friends documents get leaked etc.....

Selling your iPhone is one reason why this would be great. Companies still give you a hard time and make you jump through hoops. Sometimes they just outright refuse to help when unlocking phones especially new and expensive phones.

You know what this means no more cleaning latrines haha

Google doesn't want you to go to another service to get your music it's that simple. itunes is irrelevant if your not on an iphone this for android users integration will becoming I'm sure. I get it may be underwhelming but frankly all these services are underwhelming to me. I just want my music and if I need

I just used Cain because he's the front runner I don't really think he's a viable candidate either. Frankly I don't think any of them are viable candidates. We can fix our problems but postponing them so politicians can be safe at election time doesn't help anyone except politicians. I fear the Dems in control less

Really so Herman Cain is going to be the President if they elect any of those fools president we deserve our fate. Frankly the party of no needs to be told no themselves. There are consequences for ignoring the will of the people and just doing your own thing. I hope Republicans will be voted out. I think it's better

I thought t-shirts were already wearable art hasn't this been the case for decades.

You just invented next years coolest but impractical Halloween costume.

I want the iphone 4s I don't mind the contract. I just want a 1year deal so I can give them more money next year when the iPhone 5 comes out. $750 for a phone I'll just buy a computer or a tablet that's too much. I guess I have to get another android phone.

Wow that comment was epic I hate that I just used the word epic after reading such an eloquently worded and well thought out comment. I wonder if he writes comments for a living or something he should be writing articles.

So is Frasier dead or what.

Yea I spent my childhood outside playing and making friends what a waste.

I'm not making this mistake twice. Not reading this article who cares if he leaves twitter are you really a fan didn't think so does it merit two posts doubt lt. So to protect himself from himself he's adding a layer of protection between himself and the public as good as twitter is it can be very very bad for people.

Dammit I got sucked in smh I read the whole thing hoping there would be a good reason for anyone to care. There wasn't even the comments were a waste including mine here. Exception yours SMH.

I want to know how long will a phones battery last while watching football on Sunday and regularly checking my scores in both my Fantasy leagues with two different apps. While connected to wifi. This is a real stress test battery usually lasts 3 hours or the length of a game.

I think they could setup a self monitored system that would only require a mod to step in very rare occasions. I think it would help if there was a way for the community to self regulate. It would be more fun nobody complains about having to not be a dick in regular life.

Something similar happened to me as well. I wrote a text to a women I was seeing she received my texts but so did a women in California she received several of my texts and replied to me they did not have the same name. I've also received texts from people who did not have my name some romantic. I have often wondered