
It's simple PR people dead astronauts are horrible pr and NASA can quickly lose support for it's program. I remember when the Challenger blew up the country was is shock and everybody wanted to know why it was all shut down and investigated etc...

Said a truly pale person lol.

Everything is so Photoshoped if it's in an ad even from a crappy company it's been shop'd. If you want to see realistic depictions of people look at other people.

Burger King bacon is hardly bacon it sliced super thin and it's terrible. I rather eat one delicious peace of bacon than a thousand crappy ones.

Not to trivialize what they do but I feel like I'm watching a Firefighting FPS go to truck grab gear it's pretty cool makes me think maybe there is a game in this somewhere.

The fact is they are just screwing us over maybe we don't need unlimited but 4gb isn't enough especially if I want to share my data plan. Moving forward this issue will only get worse. Why don't they have a 30gb $40 plan most people wouldn't need more and you could share it with all your devices. I can see a future

Many of our most popular reality tv shows come from England American idol for example.

They are doctors my objection has nothing to with him seeing his children but it's done because it's easier to stay focused when a patient is just a patient. What happens if something goes wrong you may freak out for a second and miss something perhaps racked by guilt for performing unnecessary surgery on your already

I find this father giving his daughters plastic surgery and all these other treatment disturbing. They are in their early 20's sometimes it takes a while for people to get comfortable with themselves but it's part of maturing.

If you don't know what you need it can be I can build a computer if you give me all the parts but most people can't. I'm sure you can make really cool mods to your car but not everyone has the knowledge. Yes it's fun to point and laugh but at least point him in the right direction he was at least trying to correct his

Did anyone tell this kid where he can get the correct and safe setup I'm sure at a site like that guys know exactly where you can get it and what it is but I bet most just insulted him which doesn't help I hate when people are unhelpful and insult people just because it's the internet.

I guess he thinks any publicity is good publicity.

What's the difference.

Very good advice thank you. Thanks again for the extra info this sounds like a good plan especially with the training.

Well thank you for that advice I was thinking about doing this but not at that price point. Do they really pay that much to set up a facebook page and google places curious how does he market himself word of mouth, facebook I've been getting clients through word of mouth while I build my site.

I'm voting for Tom Brady and hoping that jinx kicks in extra hard lol.

LMAO you sir have a star for a reason.

why don't they make an app and sell the hell out of it because for local things Google still sucks iOS and android charge 99cents and have adds to bam. Local business have not caught onto google places yet.

Usually with a spec bump there is a large increase in efficiency of these processors and better battery usage. I'm sure the A6 processor will be in the iPhone as well so it has to be efficient. All jokes aside I don't want it or think we need 3d have you played a 3ds or whatever.

I luv it where is the plus button or something you sir deserve that star