
Also there is another guy who has his hand on his shoulder next to the girl but the guy that was grabbed hand did kind or rest on the shoulder then he made a move. Can't say if the hand was going mid back or further down but he did make a move lower. LMAO this is like replay on Sunday football some body throw the

It was for a picture people do it all the time. I don't think what the guy did rose to rabid fandom as the womens arm was allowed to rest on his shoulder just as the man was attempting to do. It's what people do in pictures do.

Most women I have dated have dated men significantly older than them I'm talking 5-10 year differences this goes back to HS and college. Women always say things like I want a mature guy or guys my age are kids. Many women in there 20's won't date a guy even a couple years younger. It goes both ways young women like

Once you start calling someone slurs and derogatory terms based on who they are race sex it isn't technically discrimination they are just bigots. But there is no way to tell unless you do a study or pay attention to how he reacts when he is killed by a female or a person of color. The fact that this player insults

I think it depends on the person if your running around and sweating a lot in your genes or you don't bathe that often you know to conserve water you'll probably need to wash your genes sooner than later. I'm not that hip I like to wash my clothes although jeans don't need to be washed as much as shirts.

He had the money but was so impatient he decides to rob someone what an ass. I mean really dude really there are dumb ideas and then there is this.

Haven't played Gears online yet only the campaign sounds like a nice upgrade that marking system because yea getting chainsawed isn't fun. The most fun I've had with gears is with large groups of friends we would play with so many that it was just 8 on 8 all friends that was the most fun. I also have done the party

You changed your argument in the middle of your argument. If you say it's not discrimination because they are using the wrong slur then you must admit it is discrimination if they use the correct slur.

I'm for the Karmic moderation system. I read an article about a game that had a system where people could be banned by their fellow players but this was reviewed a group of players randomly selected from a pool of players who were elevated to a judge status. The players had no connection to each other and if the

You put it out there there and maybe you could have made your point a little clearer. I'm a man and know I won't experience what women deal with on the day to day I didn't take issue with that. It's just your comment sounded more like talking about women is bad but it's ok to talk about my race because I can take it.

I've noticed alot of gamers don't turn their mics on and game in silence I like chat for team work reasons working together is more fun and you win more. But so many people are tired of hearing or arguing with the ahole gamers that it's you can't get them to talk.

So it's cool to be called a N***er but it's wrong to attack a woman. Neither is ok and should not be accepted everybody has their own circumstances to deal with. And what about black women who game. I understand why you would give up because the vitriol is just endless and frankly arguing about that when all you want

None of that is cool at all and I sympathize with the ladies because I've had the arguments gotten pissed off what does my race or where I live have to do with my gaming skills why even bring it up. In real life you wouldn't dare say that to my face but everybody is a tough guy online. All you can do is mute them and

I like to use the mic so there can be so sort of team work it works best with friends and sometimes we'd like to work with the rest of the team especially in Gears but often times we just go into a party. I like team work but you how it is people starting fights arguing about silly stuff how about play try and work as

Your avoiding my point which is it's not about random people but the people in your life. I understand your principles but I'm not saying every guy has to be some knight in shining armor. It's just psychology, guys are more likely to back down from other guys if it's two women odds are they will just watch but most of

Your only real objection seems to be with names and labels used in my reply not the substance of it. Fine focus on the labels not the intent fine make everything gender neutral if that's what works for you. But in real life, at least most peoples it doesn't work like that. Your way to literal when it comes to terms of

Like I said that is cool with me you have the skills then you should do it. I actually think that is pretty cool. I'm actually not into guns I have my reasons as well.

I think to compare actual war to tv films and games is actually trivializing war itself. Should we make policy based on how gamers feel about in game casualties. That's like saying if you play a racing game car accidents won't be taken seriously because your car heals or when you blow up you get to start over the

Her main issue is this: you can't have a serious discussion about war if your looking at it through the perspective of entertainment. By definition entertainment is there to amuse us. If you want to have a real discussion about war then talk about real war and not games.