
Hope she's found soon and in good health.

You make good points and if you won't take a mans name I'm sure your guy will except that because that's something you feel very strongly about. I guess at the end of the day if I ever get married I feel there are things I should do as a husband/father it may be a little old fashioned just not 1950's old fashioned. We

So when you get married I have no responsibilities to my wife just my kids wrong that's child support not marriage. The reason we have alimony is because society and the law say that I do have a responsibility. Yes protecting my family is the mans job hey if mom is a tough chick by all means go ahead your a cop, kung

First off what does economics have to do with my statement I said nothing of financial dependence frankly I don't know anybody married or not who lives the Ozzie and Harriet dad goes off to work mom stays home and cook nonsense your thinking of. Do I need to reiterate this isn't 1812 or 1950 or whatever year you think

First off what does economics have to do with my statement I said nothing of financial dependence frankly I don't know anybody married or not who lives the Ozzie and Harriet dad goes off to work mom stays home and cook nonsense your thinking of. Do I need to reiterate this isn't 1812 or 1950 or whatever year you think

I'm saying it's a symbol of that responsibility to me do men have to have to be labeled misogynistic neanderthals who have to own their women. Men don't respect women or consider them their equal because they like a tradition one that is still the norm of society. It's not 1812 I don't think I own any women. I guess

As a guy I know I would want my wife to take my name it's tradition isn't a good reason but it is the reason it means something. If I had a weird name maybe I would be more understanding or maybe it would mean even more. Men buy diamond rings would he love you any less if he didn't no but you would probably feel some

@ CapitalOrange

Wasn't Israel created because of all the anti-semitism around the world and the attempt to exterminat the race. If the problem predates the country is the country really the problem. Just to be clear people who hate Jews are the problem. If we dissolve the borders of Israel and all the Jewish people stayed put I think

If it doesn't effect them it doesn't exist if you want to know if somebody is being literally hated on ask someone from that group of people if it happens. Pretty much every minority is hated by someone many times each other and the majority is hated on by many minorities (general statement here). As for anti-semitism

I don't think that's necessarily a geek related attitude I think if your making sexist comments you probably think that's ok especially if your doing it around or in conversation with women. It's similar to the "I'm not racist" I just have certain beliefs because one time xyz happened to my cousin's friend blah blah

I didn't say don't do it ok do it if you like but do it safely is all I ask. You say we like you work for every gene splicing company company and this isn't done for longer lasting or more resilient food. I'm not preventing progress I'm for safe progress. Especially if your lazy business practices are also a tool to

Many pesticides we shouldn't use remember when DDT was all the rage.

This was actually kind of funny at least towards the end.


I give them credit for the ad but the consumer level use that I get at home is not what is in this ad. It's fun it more than a gimmick but it needs to be silky smooth and voice recognition needs to be more the level of siri when I saw Siri I was like Kinect come on man. I'm sure they will get there but I want it now

Have you used Kinect sorry MS I luvya buddy but it's not that smooth not at all and what is with all the air musicians really air cello and piano sure. I guess if other people are making these products maybe it can be that smooth but using kinect to disarm a bomb that's like using kinect to disarm a bomb lol wth you

They could have just said uTorrent and left it at that. Like the iPhone pre Android why is it the best shut up and just use it already.

You just reminded me why I don't eat pomegranates. It's a pain give me some grapes now that's a good flesh to see ratio.

Benefit of a basement they are so nice and cool plus you guys don't have to worry about the flooding. It's not like there are any new houses in NY anyway. Everything here is like 50yrs old easy, make that 60yrs I'm getting old. I live near some of the first suburbs in America lol I always remember them saying like we