
That's a question lol but if it's Florida I think its the water table, meaning ground is too moist but this is just a guess.

Yea and they wonder why people are Occupying Wall Street remove the money and see what good can be done. I rather you do something you think it's right than because you were bought out. People we know what's right for the country but money outweighs Patriotism.

"It simply can't be that bad" has to be the worst excuse I have ever heard. If it was natural evolution there would be no issue. You don't know what they are making plants produce. It's being modified to produce something for medicines not for our food stuffs.

Note to self get a house with a fire place.

This is where good gov't would step in and say hey you could kill us all with your short term greedy ways. But our gov't will say hey thanks for the cash, I see your point of view so farmers pay them.

Who's the Boss (had to say it) Yea seems pretty lame.

Well if you won't enforce your own rules why have them. I guess everyone should just do it next time and see what they do. Also is there some benefit to them not enforcing the rule it doesn't make sense.

Depending on how it's been modified you don't know what effects of ingesting large quantities of genetically modified food are. Especially once it's unregulated and in the wild. Do you want your kids eating genetically modified rice or corn in large quantities when you have no idea what the modifications do or create

So why was he playing for the Canadian team money and if it's against the rules just disqualify them like Ben Johnson and give the runner up the win. Enforce the rules I don't see what the problem is.

We have to stop doing this the large scale planting of genetically modified crops we have already had issues in the US with corn. How do you stop open fields of genetically modified anything from spreading easy you don't because you can't. You can actually but they don't want to spend the money they rather just plant

This kinda sucks for pro's if you work in a pro shop doing high end everything this totally sucks. Need make a building sized image for that building you really need that extra horsepower and yes we actually had to do that once. In high end retouching and production shops these things run 24/7 365 shops can run 3

He played Detroit this was an but kicking waiting to happen if he plays some more bad teams he'll fare better. Top teams and hot teams he'll get crushed.

If they don't want it to happen again change the rules. It was a clever move by him and the American team. I feel bad for the American guy that got dropped kicked off half way through the tourney then his team goes on to win it all ouch.

That's alright, I watch to much as it is

If it kills some people find out why and who. Then maybe they can say hey it's not for you buddy the risk is too high. They can tell you if weed will make you crazy Some people have a genetic disposition. History of depression or mental illness you might want to stay away from the green stuff. Is this vaccine only

What kind of burrito's do you eat don't they all have at least rice and beans.

I guess it doesn't work for me. I guess if your paranoid and lock down your FB account your ok. I want something to do what companies are doing and show me what info FB is selling off. Now that would be something.

See that's your problem right there lol. Frankly I'm into good anime not manly or unmanly I just don't cover my walls and computer screens with the stuff.

The problem is multilevel the lay person who doesn't think and only listens to those that say things they like. Then the so called journalist's who can't discern between what is fact and what is slanted . Then all the reputable news sources CNN, CNBC and FOX that all put a slant on the news and don't report some

The news the important stuff was always a loss leader but it was done and done right because true journalism is needed to keep our Republic strong. If all the news outlets are owned by bigger corporations with agendas. Can real honest important news get out or is it edited before it reaches us. Do we not hear about