Yeah, pretty much.
Yeah, pretty much.
I actually only hit one kid in school (alright two, but he had plenty of warning and it was with a sketchbook) but I made everyone believe I was willing to get in a knock down, drag out fight. People are pretty good at scaring themselves after that point. No need to engage, which is the epitome of good strategy,…
Oh man I had my classmates scared out of their whits by the time I went to high school. I went the goth route, and they were convinced I was going to summon demons or sacrifice them or something. Like, no joke. They LEGIT thought I was a witch who was going to fuck up their day or make a deal with a demon. Which, to…
And that's a bit of a good thing. Graphics are supposed to quietly inform and persuade you of things, not scream for your attention. Fonts compliment your general theme, just like an image or a shape, or a color would. If you suddenly find yourself noticing a font because it just jars against whatever it's been put…
My dad and I were just discussing how the best tactic against bullying was a mixture of martial arts, a sharp tongued retort, and a few lessons out of The Art of War.
I've always believed (and practiced) the art of being scary enough to frighten away all potential bullies. I punched a kid in the mouth once. A teacher…
I didn't think about that. Well guess I'll just... be confused and wait for someone to yell at me? Might be the only surefire way to actually know.
Ehem. I mean. Comic Sans is horrible because it gets used in really inappropriate places and for all sorts of things on which it was never meant to be used. We have so many beautiful, wonderful fonts, like Gill Sans, Garamond, Georgia, Helvetica, Futura, Arial, Minion Pro, and Times New Roman…
I think it's just a costume based on traditional garb? The garbled list of adjectives on the site mentioned a fairy costume. But I think the garment that it vaguely resembled is a little bit fought over. Even that though is sort of a costume? I don't know, man. I just liked the dress.
Fine, we'll take our Bavarian cream, pretzels, beer, bratwurst, good cars, rye, hops, our cute feathered hats, leather overalls AND JUST LEAVE THANK YOU.
Also no Chirstmas sweaters for you either. Don't you know you're oppressively stealing from Norwegian cultural emblems on your sweaters? I HOPE YOU FEEL ASHAMED.
I totally have a green one that is beautiful and I love. But I found mine I think, though mine doesn't have ribbons on the sash, but it does have two long tails down the back.
I have the same question about a dress I wore! I found a Chinese dress (it's pink and white and has a pheasant tail sash and I love it) and I wore it to prom. I looked up what it was for, and it was, I think, for a spring festival and worn by unmarried girls. I'm not even sure if the festival is celebrated any more. I…
I suddenly have the urge to go to this festival and take polaroid pictures of all the people. Not for hipster reasons. Just because I've watched too much Lilo and Stitch and I like the idea of documenting all that touristy badness.
Would that be called a Loki bitch?
I have had guys tell me in passing they thought I looked lovely, or that I had wonderful legs, or pretty hair or something. They did it in a really non-threatening way, didn't stop me, and kept moving past me, usually prefaced with some sort of "I'm not trying to hit on you but really".
I'm not really bothered by that…
Woah woah woah, this isn't what sororities and fraternaties do ALL the time? Because I was like 90% sure most of their parties involved putting on weird attire, drinking too much and from questionable places, and putting weird things in their mouths.
I mean, that's kind of what happened at art school parties. And a…
We had that strawberry powder mix for milk and omg I would eat that stuff plain. But I LOVE strawberry milk, and chocolate milk was like, the best thing ever. I remember not wanting to be the last kid in line at lunch because they would run out of chocolate milk, and giving kids weird looks when they picked the…
Okay, okay, while I admit to making jokes about my leg hair being prickly (because it is) this is still REALLY dumb. Like, usually, I'm the one who cares and my boyfriend just laughs and pets with the grain. And my girlfriend is dumbfounded I have to shave regularly at all.
Can't we just go back to Venus commercials…
The thing about beauty though is that it is hard wired into our brains as humans. We LIKE aesthetically pleasing things, we have a desire for beauty that touches us on a deeper level. That's why we spend so much time on art, and making our houses livable, and well designed packages, and clothes, and all sorts of…
WOAH, boy is she in the uncanny valley! My art brain is shrieking like a banshee with "NO WAT NO STOP THAT, THAT'S NOT HOW PEOPLE WORK DOES NOT COMPUUUUUTE".