
bahahahahahahaaaaahahahahah!!! So glad he's off the Pens now. Feel bad for the glass high, and wide left/right of the goal with him out there.

Quick Ed note: When the lawyer arrived at the bar, Carson turned to Ed and said "Ed? We're done here, right?" And Ed left right away. God, that's perfect.

I think you make a lot of great points. I agree that the push for a more accepting environment for breast cancer patients is incredibly important. Especially when it comes to mastectomies/reconstruction pressure. Going back to what makes a woman a woman and all that societal garbage is harmful for healthy people let

NFL: The same organization that spent 20+ years trying to discredit research that proved getting hit in the head repeatedly by huge men caused concussion/brain damage.

I work for a a social media marketing company and a lot of my clients are currently doing Breast Cancer Awareness month promotions. I was thinking yesterday how so much of the "Awareness" for Breast Cancer Awareness is now more for companies to say "Oh look at us! We're doing something good for sick women. Give us

It's very unclear when the car's tires were slashed, and an eyewitness claims that the first batch of people didn't intend to be violent.

Awesome that these guys want to know what happened, but not involved in the incident? Then keep riding, pull to a safe location, make room for the people involved in the incident to pull to the side to discuss it, contact the person you know after they finish exchanging information.

Otherwise, you are just

Raph, why must you so obviously be playing devil's advocate for the 'riders'? Regardless of what transpired before the Range Rover running over some dudes (which common sense dictates would be a tangible threat - especially after that moronic brake check by the first 'rider'), the fact is the bikers didn't have to

But according to local station and to police commissioner, this is what happened in first stop:

No immediate or present danger, except being surrounded by bikers stopping the entire traffic on the freeway. Some of them are wearing crests showing affiliation to the Front Line Soldiers MC.

Also age doesn't mean a thing to me!!!"

So...I'm not supposed to pick up milk on the way home then?

Also these laws require that the drugs be administered according to outdated FDA protocols that would require 3 separate doctors appointments (4 if the state has a waiting period instituted) and requires doctors to give a higher dose than what has been found to be effective, driving up the price of the procedure.

No joke. A few personal items left behind and a few wine glasses missing? Not worthy of an email. But broke the glass shelf in the shower? Broke the lock off the bathroom door? Put holes in the walls? The fuck?

No, no, I feel for the landlord. Whether it's worth $100 or $100,000 shouldn't matter, you treat someone else's property with respect.

I was seething reading the thing, but lost it when it came to unwrapping the antique chair. I love antiques. Do not fuck with the antiques.

What the ever-loving fuck is wrong with people? "Minor damages"? They basically ripped her house apart. The second you start putting holes in a wall, and not in the hooks-for-artwork way, you have gone beyond "minor damages." Grow up, you 20-something financial/fashion assholes.

Since 2000 here are all the WRs I can remember off the top of my head: Taylor Jacobs, Rod Gardner, Mike Westbrook, James Thrash, Laveranues Coles, Darnerian McCants, Santana Moss, Jimmy Farris (scrap!), Sean Taylor,

Huh. I was wondering why there seemed to be a shortage of quotation marks lately.

No one actually thinks that.