Yes..I never got super pukey either..just queasy all the time for the first 13 weeks. Here's hoping for an easy ride for you!
Yes..I never got super pukey either..just queasy all the time for the first 13 weeks. Here's hoping for an easy ride for you!
Yep. Can't come up with anything better than that.
You do if an enormous intellect is sexy to you. It is to me. Tatum Channing? Yawn. Give me an enormous brain over a chiseled stomach any day.
He is weirdly embryonic looking...but he grows on you. It's partly his voice, which is deep and British, but it's mostly his performance as Sherlock. If you've never seen it, it's not to be missed.
No. No. No. No. No. NO.
I don't think Madonna was into macrobioics when Lourdes was born - I believe she got into it a bit later.
The human body is exquisitely designed to be adaptive. Our teeth are well designed to eat a wide variety of diets, from all meat and fat to entirely plant based.
I'm not referring to the "developing world." I'm talking about Alicia Silverstone (referenced by the OP). Alicia Silverstone is macrobiotic. Chewing is big in macrobiotics.
Yes. The only time my husband has ever come close to striking me was when I kept trying to pop a giant zit on his back. It was like it was calling me..drove me nuts for a while.
Congratulations. I didn't think I'd ever see anything more disgusting than this.
I have a really hard time with PETA as well, but I do have to respect them for one reason: they are the only ones dedicated enough to go undercover to bring the rest of us videos of what really goes on on a factory farm.
Chewing is not the same as food processing.
Agreed. I am a vegan who served my family turkey. Of course, most of the sides were vegan, but I didn't tell them that.
That is some nauseating shit right there. I'm sort of dreading sending my kids off to school.
Forget about the photos - the words. Oh my God, the words. Intense.
The true answer is: because we don’t get many chances to do something really meaningful in our lives.
Yes, this. Many people greatly overestimate the amount of calories they burn exercising, and at the same time, greatly underestimate how many calories they are consuming.
I'd like to weigh in (ha. no pun intended). My response is not to you specifically, just to the thread on whole.
Oh my yes! I had a couple of different twin strollers and the few times someone helped me with a door, I was incredibly grateful. That thing was a BUS.