
The true answer is: because we don’t get many chances to do something really meaningful in our lives.

Yes, this. Many people greatly overestimate the amount of calories they burn exercising, and at the same time, greatly underestimate how many calories they are consuming.

It's STILL pretty incredible, if you can afford it:


I'd like to weigh in (ha. no pun intended). My response is not to you specifically, just to the thread on whole.

Oh my yes! I had a couple of different twin strollers and the few times someone helped me with a door, I was incredibly grateful. That thing was a BUS.

Thank you for taking the time to post all of that. I've now read through most of Racism School, and while some of it feels a bit, well [insert the raising of one eye brow here] most of it was very enlightening, and helpful in this particular thread.

ETA: Post deleted. Fuck it.

Yes, I can see that. I think I didn't do a great job of articulating that I was responding to two very specific phrases in this entire thread.

Duly noted and yes, please do direct me to some resources.

I get that. I really do. I guess all I can say is, I don't think that way, and I just have to hope you believe me.

Done! Granted, I don't tend to shop in those places anyway, because, Christ, who wants to overpay for a bunch of crap? But yes, I will gladly advocate to anyone I know to not shop there.

What do you do to be an advocate of POC? What do you do to fight racism? When you hear of shit like what happened in Barney's, Macy's, the Cracker Barrel, what do you do?

Ok, I absolutely get that. It was not the idea of having a separate, safe space that I was responding to. I can completely understand that and I took no issue with either the original post or the following statements echoing the sentiment. It was phrases like "because of people like mean well, but..."

Do you know how it feels, for example, to have a midwife ask if you have clitoral piercings? In the area of the UK where I was living, there was a high East African and Muslim population and there were concerns about FGM. That's fine to ask, but guess what: I'm a black American atheist. The NHS decided they needed to

I'm not being a contrarian, I'm genuinely trying to have a real conversation. But if we all can't get past the giant assumptions that we all live with, we are never going to get there. We all have to be willing to see things from somebody else's POV, otherwise we will just go in circles forever.

Not really, no.

What DO you need?

Sigh. Yes, that was us, until we had kids. Enjoy!

This post makes me incredibly sad. I don't blame you one bit for feeling as you do, but it makes me sad.