
Seriously, I agree with North. I'd throat chop anyone who tried to tell my kids what to do. Well, anyone who isn't either related or being employed by me to tell my kids what to do. You have the patience of a saint.

Well, it all depends on your individual hair pattern. Some women have more, and perhaps it does cover their incision. For me, not so much. :-)

Well, it all depends on your individual pubic hair pattern. Some women have fuller bushes, and perhaps it does cover their incision. For me, not so much. :-)

My doctor made a very neat incision, but it was still very noticeable for 3-4 years. Now, almost 5 years later, it's becoming much flatter and less noticeable. It is low enough though that it doesn't show in most underwear or bikinis,and it never bothered me.

Yes. The pause was the exact moment the hamster got off the wheel to take a shit.

That and the fact that absolutely nobody went to help this guy. His companions, presumably friends, just watch like, "Should we help Bill? Nah. Might spill my beer. Also,that seems like exercise."

Apparently, you don't even need a verbal comment. Just a look is enough:

Dear God, yes. I watched a teenaged girl walking to the bus stop yesterday, digging her cut-offs out of her crack every few feet, and all I could is, great, now I am imagining your fingers smelling like ass all day.

Isn't that just always the way with exercise wear? You have to be skinny to wear it but you can't get skinny without exercising, blah blah blah.

Aw shit. :-(

"The best argument against democracy is a 5 minute conversation with the average voter." - Winston Churchill

Well look, she married one of the most inflated egos in the Western hemisphere, so really, can you blame her? These days the two of them are about as relevant as dropsy, or consumption.

Totally off-topic but I must steal that gif.

I dont blame the kids. The bus driver is just one of the "adults" in these kids lives...what chance do they have?

Not long ago I read an article wherein the journalist swabbed various surfaces she came into contact with on a daily basis: the ATM, the pen at the grocery store, the public toilet, etc. and took them to a lab to analyze. The dirtiest sample, by far, which was just teeming with germs, bacteria, E.coli etc. was her own

Ack! Naked baby! Help that guy!

Thank you. That fallacy has always bothered me as well.

Couldn't it also be that the disease is being detetected earlier and therefore the recovery rates are also going up?