Really? I think they have always made it clear that Amy had feelings for Dan but not vice versa. Remember the bar scene from season 4? And her mom saying Dan broke her heart.
Really? I think they have always made it clear that Amy had feelings for Dan but not vice versa. Remember the bar scene from season 4? And her mom saying Dan broke her heart.
Damn, that is unforgivable on my part! But yes, your point stands. She has had less combined screen time than any one of the guest stars this season.
I agree with everything in this review. I have one major complaint with this season (along with several minor ones) and that is that the show seems to have almost entirely lost its ensemble feel and become "the Selina show". Which is a pity because Veep is known for its ensemble. I guess Mandel likes Selina and Jonah…
This year has been a little too Selina focused for anyone else to get a real showcase
i was surprised at how…nice… he was to Jonah and Richard in this episode, even when they kept fucking up.
I think Amy can be fairly incompetent, like when she signed her name instead of Selina's, or gave away the C-word investigation to Leon via her expressions
Dan was right! He got no credit for that.
I don't know how it happened, but Jonah, and even Dan- with Teddy and in general- seemed like the nicest people on the show today. With Richard of course.
hey, Ben was a player in his heyday, haha! And sure, why not.
realistically everyone from the cast would be on the list
Earned all his Emmys
Thank you Satan!
It's the 5% of Dan that wants to be loved, as Ben would say
Doesn't Ben have clinical depression himself?
You said everything I feel, in a much more concise and effective way :)
No, you misunderstood me, I wasn't talking about Amy leaving in season 4, I was talking about Amy leaking the Ray story to Jonah in season 3 and essentially sabotaging Selina's campaign and making a fool of her in England, all because she wanted Dan's job.
True, but Jonah gets a lot more sympathy and wins than Dan does, and he has a support system, unlike Dan. I am just curious about why.
I am not really enjoying Dan's storyline this season, it seems a little too cruel. I really loved Dan's breakdown arc in season 3 and the Finland episode from season 2, so it's not like I don't like to see Dan fail, in fact those were my favorite episodes. But this season seems like it is just making up stuff to put…
I thought it was cruel regardless, and I don't understand how Dan is any worse than anyone else on the show
They have brought up his breakdown so many times this season, will they ever ever address Amy's role in it?