
Bring back Iannucci

Perfect description.

Actually, Thomas Friedman.

Muting Trump does not equal ignoring politics. If Anderson wanted to ignore politics, he would not work for CNN. This is a really dumb observation.
He said very clearly that he thinks Trump's tweet storms are intended to be a distraction for reporters, which is why he gets the important ones sent to him, instead of

Exactly. And you think Anderson Cooper is "ignoring politics"? That's his job! He just doesn't want to get distracted by Trump's mania, as he explains in the interview.

He is a two time Jeopardy champion.

This is dumb. "Gloria Vanderbilt's son" is not ignoring politics, he just doesn't want to be involved in Trump's mood swings. He says he reads the important tweets that are sent to him. And he is a reporter. If he wanted to ignore politics, he could very well not be on CNN. As a Vanderbilt.
It's so annoying to see

He is, but this time credit goes to anderson. He made Kellyanne look like a total fool. She hasn't been on CNN since.

The Anderson Cooper interview with Kellyanne was even better.

Did you watch the Anderson Cooper-Kellyanne interview? I am pretty sure that's what set off this ban. Was amazing.

Actually the last Trump admin member appearance on CNN was Kellyanne's interview with Anderson Cooper, where he made her eat crow.

I hope next season spreads out the screen time and storylines between all the regulars, instead of just Mandel's faves.

They almost reached that point this season and it did not make for a very fun watch.

"However Veep is not just the Selina show, and the prospect of a Selina, Gary, and Catherine-centric season six, with only occasional intersections between Selina and her former team, is disheartening."

The Brick montage made me tear up a bit, I do adore that kid

Don't get me wrong, I would love for Dan to have feelings for amy, but I don't think it has been shown yet

He also feels very strongly about consent

oh yeah dan's def fond of her and he has always been nice to her, but it has never been explicitly cast in a romantic light

I know, I haven't felt any empathy for Selina this season, but this episode changed that. I really felt for her.

Reid and Tim need Emmy noms. Also Kevin Dunn. Always Kevin Dunn.