Vesto Slipher

Who’s got time to read something this long?

And Lincoln be like “What the fuck is that pile of garbage? And what’s with that crappy looking food?”

“We are getting crushed!” Mr. Trump told his acting chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, after watching some recent coverage of the shutdown, according to one person familiar with the conversation. “Why can’t we get a deal?”

“I fully support Snow knockers.”

And Sy Sperling. 

Stopped? Hammer Time.

Hit menopause. *rimshot*

“Smile!” No. 

Why not try? Could you imagine the death panel talk if it was M4A on the table? Dems and WH had all 3 chambers for only 2 years. ACA passage was a damn-near miracle and wouldn’t have been possible without...gasp...Nancy Pelosi!!!

And here I thought Republicans loved guys who mocked veterans and people with disabilities while sporting ridiculous dye jobs and being publicly snubbed by their former romantic partners.


Well, there’s the spam, eggs, sausage, and spam. That’s not got much eggs in it.

Brian gets his opinions from a garbage can!

‘zactly. Deadbeat Chads.

I blame the absence of fathers in the white community. Where is the personal responsibility???