James Harrison’s sons: [take AFC Championship ring away from their dad]
James Harrison’s sons: [take AFC Championship ring away from their dad]
I briefly considered sticking up for Sosa’s induction into the HoF, but then I thought, “Fuck it...there’s already enough white guys in there.”
Jammin on the +1
Have a Cigar.
It’s like announcing your wife is pregnant at a wedding and saying “look man the DJ isn’t playing the song for OUR first dance”
You get one chance in your life to have your jersey retired, and you only get that if you’ve been an incredibly important part of an NBA franchise’s history. You’ll live, on average, 28,740 days, and ONE of those days will be the day where you get to sit back and be like “I worked my ass off for fifteen years and I’m…
“former CFL player Jordan Reaves attempted to entertain attendees by dunking a basketball over Ismail Zaid.”
These always come off as goofy to me instead of bad ass.
Funny. I see Rob Lowe, not Downey Jr.
Sounds like your kids are going to have some pretty bad sunburns.
The horse handled it with equinimity, one would say.
I maintain there’s a shocking drop of quality even once you get past the first five songs on the first album! (But yeah, definitely.)
Tom, should you focus on his penis when his balls are the real story? I understand the confusion since there’s not a vas deferens between the two.
It was a pretty solid adaptation of the book.
Maybe he was just a big Lindor fan?
+1 Bobson Dugnutt
There once was a man from Nantucket
His child was born he said ‘Fuck it’
Back to work he would roam the wife back at home
Spewing hot takes til his ass kicks the bucket
Capitalism really does a number on some people.
Along with the betting, it’s expected that millions of workers will allocate lots of on-the-job time and resources toward making their NCAA picks, building brackets and then tracking games on TV or online.