Vesto Slipher

George Glass is real? Only Gen X’ers might get that joke though.

I wouldn’t Grantham parole either.

One of those top 55 celebrities?

Ragnarok is my favorite film in the MCU. There have been lots of great movies and moments across their movies, but none are as rewatchable and fun as Ragnarok.

They should have gone for the tax breaks and filmed in Vancoúvenor.

Hey! Wait! I filed a dumb complaint.”

That is a Giant-Sized mess of Things! Man, is there a swamp nearby they could shift this to?

“No. MORE mutants!”

I really wish I could just have a *clean* homescreen. No recommendations bullshit. I know what I want to watch and how I want to watch it, I don’t need twenty new services advertised to me on my homescreen.

Legit disappointed that the helicopter didn’t say “THANOS” on the side.

Have Beard, Will Riker. 

No because he’s a horse of course. And no one can talk to a horse of course.

I’m a big fan of older westerns (and the recent modern ones too), so to see a classic western story told in Star Wars form, hard to argue. And even better, it’s done in a smart and stylish way. And the music! The visuals!

I’m kind of hoping there’s a new IG-11 unit that shows up in each episode and the Mando kills each of them in different ways.

Good Head, Boner Combine To Get FCUM All Over The Internet

Nope. Students are paying for everything that’s entailed in actual education: classroom, exercises, lectures, whatever other events the professor decides belong in a given course syllabus and assigns to their class.

But enough about the president.

Congrats, Hickman; you’ve written my favorite X-story ever. I’ll be sticking around (at least until the Marvel brass/future writer inevitably fucks it all up again).

A classic for people in the know from Michigan:

63 years now, I like it here, but the cheese creeps me out, as do many of the other strange things you people eat. The list is long.