Vesto Slipher

No, but scapegoating ethnic and religious minorities, promoting white nationalism, holding contempt for civil rights, threatening war crimes, viewing women as chattel, threatening the media, using religion as a weapon against minorities, intertwining corporate and government elite and normalizing rampant cronyism and


Ha... I can’t defend having children, though I do love mine and am happy we had them.

Clinton is winning the popular vote you reality challenged fuckwit. I realize that facts and logic aren’t big in your world but the Republicans have only won the popular vote once this century. That would put dipshits such as yourself in the minority.

at first i was sure that it was a very glossy bill murray, until i realized its actually tom hanks with white paint on him.


You mention over heating can cause explosions in lithium batteries. Would leaving it in a hot car with the windows up increase the chance of this happening?

No offense Don, but it’s “Ms. Clinton” if you’re nasty.

I want that on my tombstone.

“Trumplogic” : “Please ignore these things that happened ten years ago, that’s not the person I am and I’m sorry. Instead, I implore you to focus on the things this person tangentially related to my opponent did twenty years ago, as it is 100% indicative of the character of an entirely different person.”

Libertarianism is the ideology of mental children who drive to work on government-provided roads, who eat food and water the government has mandated not contain human thumbs, who get their latest toys through government-provided postal services, who learned everything they knew in government-mandated schools, and

+1 for the gif

Hey, it’s tomato troll!

False at the office. Monitor is wide-screen. Vertical real estate is at a premium! More lines of code on the screen!

It’s great, because they don’t just fail as Star Wars movies, but much like Batman v Superman, as movies plain and simple. The defenders seem to think only Star Wars fanboys hate them now, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. People who enjoy movies and think about them critically hate them. They fail on so

Wake me when they make a Max Power movie.

Seltzer is the nectar of the gods, but La Croix is overpriced garbage for people who want to act like they’re special for buying a brand name. Guzzle down two liter bottles of store brand seltzer and learn to enjoy your life.

Alge and Moss together

I quit for good 6 years ago using the advice in this book. Sometimes the writing is a little cheesy, and it is very harsh with its critiques of 12 step programs, but the book worked for me.